
Drag'n'Drop Interface / News: Recent posts

DragnDrop Interface version 1.5 released

With this release DDI is a library for serious application development.
Previous versions had much limitations, it was not possible to develop applications other then the simplest. With v1.5 those limitations are gone.

Current release offers the following features:

- Cascading and bubbling of drag-drop events; create conditional drag-'n-drop processes.
- Cancellation of drag-'n-drop events; create draggable interactive forms.
- Plugin grouping; disable plugins by groups.
- Plugin forced execution; enable only plugins you need.
- Conditional plugins executing; plugin works only when it is needed.
- Built-in coordinates processing; all coordinates are instantly available and can be used cross-browser.... read more

Posted by Ilya Lebedev 2005-09-20

DragnDrop Interface version 1.4.3 released

This release is dedicated to Mozilla/FireFox bugs.

During the testing the following bugs has been reached:
1) drag (mouse down + mouse move) began on element with position:absolute caused to stick later to that element

This issue could be fixed the following way:
in mousedown event handler set position:static and set back position:absolute.
It's really strange, but worked.

2) element.cloneNode() clones not only the node contents, but also ID, which should be unique in the document... read more

Posted by Ilya Lebedev 2005-09-14

DragnDrop Interface version 1.4.2 released

DDI is a Javascript library, that implements DragnDrop core functionality, independent from the documents HTML structure. It is designed to be used in a wide range of web applications.

The current release includes a lot of changes and 4 new plugins. It is now possible to perform drag'n'drop and "move and resize" on just any document element.

Using the plugins, it's possible to build any web application with full functionality, while it doesnt depend on hard-coded features.... read more

Posted by Ilya Lebedev 2005-09-12

DragnDrop Interface version 1.2 released

DDI is Javascript library, implements DragnDrop core functionality, independent from documents HTML structure. It is designed to be used in wide range of web applications.

V1.2 key features:
- clean dragndrop core:
Library itself does only the dragndrop operations and plugins setup/execution.
This means improved speed performance and clear code.

- DragnDrop is based on event handlers. Using such technique dragndrop features of each element can be altered on-the-fly, which made library very flexible.... read more

Posted by Ilya Lebedev 2005-06-22