
Free Dyn Accounts Exist

  • RBEmerson

    RBEmerson - 2014-02-13

    Re: the News statement Dyn no longer supports free accounts: Dyn does support free dynamic IP accounts, albeit grudgingly and with constraints. They support only two domains per account, with limitations on the domain name choices. They require user logins at least once per 30 days (/not/ "per month"). The 30 day clock resets after any login and account info display (in and out may or may not be adequate for reseting the clock). The process might be handled with sufficiently clever scripts; plan on doing it manually. That's how I keep my Dyn account and domain alive.

  • wimpunk

    wimpunk - 2014-02-24

    Did you tried to register a new account? If you look at there's no option to register a new account with free dynamic addresses.

  • vmejia

    vmejia - 2014-02-28


    My name is Vidal and I work with Gozoom. We just released the first
    version of our Gozoom Dynamic DNS service:

    I am writing to ask if you can add our service to those you
    automatically update.

    Our service is free, does not require users to register, and we don't
    nag people about expiration, etc. We provide a dynamic DNS updater
    program that people can download to ensure their domains remain free
    and accessible.

    Our auto update API offers direct access to our DNS update system --
    hostnames can be updated with a simple HTTP REST request to our update
    system. Details here:

    Please let me know if this is possible and what you need from me.


  • wimpunk

    wimpunk - 2014-02-28

    First, be polite and don't hijack other threads.
    If you want your service be supported, you can provide a patch to ddclient and if approved it will be added.
    I think we better discuss this further on the mailing list.


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