
Problem with updating a DynamicDNS

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hello folks,

    I have an account with On starting ddclient with the debug options according to the README file (-daemon=0 -debug -verbose -noquiet) I geht the following "closing" message:

    DEBUG:    get_ip: using if, ppp0 reports
    WARNING:  skipping update of from to 84.129.82
    WARNING:   last updated Sun Aug 22 10:48:19 2004.
    WARNING:   Wait at least 30 seconds between update attempts.

    I have no clue at the moment, why my IP is not updated anymore. Did DynDNS change the protocol or such?

    My ddclient.conf contains the following non commented lines:

    syslog=yes                              # log update msgs to syslog
    mail-failure=root                       # mail failed update msgs to root
    pid=/var/run/               # record PID in file.
    use=if,                     if=ppp0             # via interfaces
    login=xxxxxxx                                  # default login
    password=xxxxxxx                                # default password,              \ protocol=dyndns2                        \

    Any idea what is going on?


    • wimpunk

      wimpunk - 2004-09-27

      I guess it's a problem your systemtime.  Ddclient checks when dyndns got the latest update and if the difference with the systemtime is less than 30 seconds it skips the update because otherwise blocks it.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      how to solve this problem?

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        There's nothing changed on dyndns, it still works on my system.
        Ddclient uses the systemtime to check if he isn't trying to update to fast.  Maybe you could start debugging by running ddclient in debug-mode with the "force" option.  ddclient will try to update your hostname, even if the interval isn't expired.
        Normally there must be enough information in the debug logging to find out why ddclient doesn't update...

    • Robert Citek

      Robert Citek - 2004-11-28

      I'm having a similar issue updating my DynDNS account.  So, I thought I'd try updating only at the command line with this:

      # ddclient -daemon=0 \ -debug \ -noquiet \ -verbose \ -force \ -ip \ -server \ -protocol dyndns2 \ -login XXXXXX   \ -password XXXXXX \ -host

      The end of the output looks like so:
      === cache ====
      DEBUG:    get_ip: using ip, ip reports

      A quick dig on the name shows nothing has been changed:

      # dig | grep -A 1 ';; ANSWER';; ANSWER SECTION: 60     IN      A

      Manually checking my account at confirmed that nothing has changed.

      Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong and more importantly how to generate more debug logging information to troubleshoot the problem?

      - Robert

      • wimpunk

        wimpunk - 2004-11-28

        Post your problem as a bug and add the full-result of ddclient -daemon=0 -debug -verbose -noquiet and your ddclient.conf as an attachment.  Don't forget to write down the version of ddclient you're using and keep in mind that since version 3.6.4 ddclient needs a /etc/ddclient directory.

        • Robert Citek

          Robert Citek - 2004-11-28
          • wimpunk

            wimpunk - 2004-11-29

            For all the others out there: it looks like ddclient doesn't work correctly if you don't use the configurationfile.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks.  I have it working.  I changed the following in ddclient.conf.

      #use=if,                     if=eth0        # via interfaces
      use=web                    # via web

      I changed from use=if to use=web.  It worked and didn't give out my internal NIC address. I also used the debug command and it provided me with all the information I need to track down the problem. 


      • wimpunk

        wimpunk - 2004-12-14

        It's always nice to know if a solution works...


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