
dbMonster - feed your database! / News: Recent posts

dbMonster 1.0.3 bugfixes

New version of dbMonster id out. It is only a bugfix release, it does not contain any new features.

Posted by Piotr Maj 2005-03-22

dbMonster 1.0.2 released

New version of dbMonster released. If fixed infinite loop problem in ForeignKeyGenerator when applied to self-referenced table.

Posted by Piotr Maj 2005-01-08

dbMonster 1.0.1 - bugfixes

the subject is self-explanatory. I've fixed the most visible bugs I've introduced in 1.0.

Posted by Piotr Maj 2004-05-25

dbmonster-core 1.0 and dbmonster-ant-1.0

New version of dbMonster is out.

Posted by Piotr Maj 2004-05-22

dbMonster 1.0-beta4 released

We are about to release the final 1.0 release. This beta release provides schema support and extended type support. It also fixes some bugs introduced in previous versions.

Posted by Piotr Maj 2003-12-23

DBMonster 1.0-beta3 released

New version of dbMonster is out. It fixes problem with MySQL autocommit mode.

Posted by Piotr Maj 2003-11-07

DBMonster 1.0-beta2

Second beta is released. In addition to previous beta this one features SchemaGrabber.

Posted by Piotr Maj 2003-10-13

DBMonster v1.0-beta + GUI

New DBMonster release comes with Swing GUI. Feedback is welcome!

Posted by Piotr Maj 2003-10-09

Maven plug-in available

Feel free to download and use new DBMonster Maven Plug-in which makes usage of DBMonster easier. Look at download section.

Posted by Piotr Maj 2003-08-28

DBMonster v.0.3.5 released

New version of DBMonster was recently released. It was focused on XDoclet integration.

Posted by Piotr Maj 2003-08-07

DBMonster v.0.3.4 released

This release fixes the problem with home dir path resolving. Batch files for windows also were added.

Posted by Piotr Maj 2003-05-27

DBMonster v.0.3.3 released

New wersion of DBMonster is waiting for you! ;)

Posted by Piotr Maj 2003-05-08

v.0.3.2 released

New version of DBMonster is waiting for YOU! It is a bugfix release. No new feature was added.

Posted by Piotr Maj 2003-05-01

DBMonster v0.3.1 released

New version of DBMonster is ready for testing. It contains bug fixes and one new feature (default fields) reported and requested by Dominic Chambers (see trackers for details).

Posted by Piotr Maj 2003-04-26

DBMonster v.0.3 released

Try it out :-)

Posted by Piotr Maj 2003-04-06

v.0.2.2 released

New version of DBMonster is ready and hungry for your diskspace. New generator, DictionaryGenerator, allows you to force DBMonster not to generate random data but the data which come from supplied dictionary. As usual bugs were fixes, propably more new were introduced. Check out this release and share your opinion.

Posted by Piotr Maj 2003-03-20

DBMonster v0.2.1 - bugfix

This release fixes stupid but important bug in ForeignKeyGenerator. There are also new files in CVS tree: sql script which creates a sample database and dbmonster-schema file for that file - you may now test dbmonster in action :-)

Posted by Piotr Maj 2003-03-15

DBMonster v.0.2 is out

New release - v.0.2 - does not provide much new functionality. The goal was to create stable framework for test data generation. From now on the API is frozed and next releases up to the v.1.0 will focus on stability and speed.

Posted by Piotr Maj 2003-03-15

v.0.1 Proof of Concept Release

The first release of DBMonster is out. It is called "proof of concept", because it's main goal was to gain experience to design and write better next releases. Any feedback and help welcome!

Posted by Piotr Maj 2003-03-08

DBMonster project started

Yeah! DBMonster projects has started. In the near future some more details should appear. In short, DBMonster will be a tool that pushes random, test data into a database to make testing database application easier. It will be helpfull to discover how an application behaved under heavy load. Join us!

Posted by Piotr Maj 2003-02-04