
SMTP authentication - how?

  • ovizii

    ovizii - 2014-06-16

    Under Config => Mail Settings there is no field for user/pass/authentication

    in the config file I found:

    $configValues['CONFIG_MAIL_SMTPAUTH'] = '';

    But am not sure how to configure it...

  • Liran Tal

    Liran Tal - 2014-07-01

    The mailing handling uses the PECL's Mail extension.
    I don't think there's anything in daloRADIUS that utilizes the actual authentication scenario so maybe you'll need to add the implementation to it yourself.

    You can take a look at notifications/processNotificationWelcome.php for more information on it.

  • ovizii

    ovizii - 2014-07-06

    Unfortunately I'm just an end user so there's nothing I can fix :-/

    Would it be possible to get the option of using php mail function alternatively? I need to send either via the php mail function or via authenticated smtp server :-/

  • ovizii

    ovizii - 2014-07-14

    The reason I was asking for smtp authentication is that a lot of "public" email providers like gmail started quite filtering emails quite severely so mail sent via php mail arrive mostly in my SPAM folder :-/

  • Liran Tal

    Liran Tal - 2014-07-19

    Understood but unfortunately I will not be adding support for that myself any time soon.


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