
#81 x64 won't play OGG music


I have a bunch of OGG tracks, and they all work in the 32-bit version but not the 64-bit version. I filed it as a bug before, but after thinking it through, it's probably due to how I execute the 64-bit version. There are multiple ways, but I'm not sure the correct way. Can you explain the easiest way to execute the x64-omp version without having to copy and paste it's contents into the root folder? I think that's my problem.


  • Matt McLeish

    Matt McLeish - 2009-12-02

    Well, I found the Install instructions for the x64 versions, and I followed them by placing a shortcut to the one I wanted, and adding "-userdir C:\programs\D2" to the target. It started up and worked, but I still got no OGG music. I'm fairly certain I executed it correctly. I reinstalled D2X-XL twice since I last mentioned this problem. I'll ask around and see if anybody else has this problem.

    Can you not reproduce this?

  • karx11erx

    karx11erx - 2009-12-02

    Make a desktop short and add "-user ..\.." as command line parameter (w/o the double quotes).

  • Matt McLeish

    Matt McLeish - 2009-12-02

    -user ..\.. worked as if I didn't put anything in there at all. It couldn't find any required files. I tried -userdir just in case you meant that, and it worked fine but still no OGG music.

  • Matt McLeish

    Matt McLeish - 2009-12-02

    Actually, I'm wrong. I was inputting those startup params through Steam (it supports that. I launch the game through Steam usually). I tried to make an actual shortcut, and -user would either change the shortcut destination to a directory, or give me some sort of error about -user.

  • karx11erx

    karx11erx - 2009-12-02

    -userdir, sorry.

  • Matt McLeish

    Matt McLeish - 2009-12-02

    Okay, when I try that the shortcut tries to execute the directory it's in (x64-omp). Windows then brings up that window that asks you what program you want to open it with.

  • Matt McLeish

    Matt McLeish - 2009-12-02

    Gah! Stupid Windows 7! Here's what my target looks like when I finish editing the shortcut

    "C:\programs\D2\bin\x64-omp\d2x-xl-x64.exe" -userdir ..\..

    After I hit OK, it becomes this:


  • Matt McLeish

    Matt McLeish - 2009-12-03

    I'll also add that this applies for OGGs in mods, specifically Kartsal Motivation (Pumo Mines). The mod itself works fine, but I get default MIDI music. Odd, don't you think?

  • karx11erx

    karx11erx - 2014-05-23

    Does this problem still exist?


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