
CybOrg. The CyberCafe Organizer / News: Recent posts

Translation is going on...

While we are development new features, we've added Dutch, Portuguese and Portuguese Brazillian translations.

The install docs are available now in English, Spanish and Pt. Brazillian!

Thanks to the contributors !!!

Posted by Javier Smaldone 2003-12-18

CybOrg client

We have added the Zeiberbude client (zbdesk) used by CybOrg in both Windows and Linux versions.

zbdesk was extracted from the Zeiberbude official distribution (release 2.0.4) at

Posted by Javier Smaldone 2003-12-07

Translators needed

We are looking for translators.

CybOrg uses a single file for each language containing all the language-dependant strings (/cyborg/cgi-bin/cyborg/lang/).

Currently only english and spanish are supported.

Posted by Javier Smaldone 2003-12-05

New client interface

Release 0.1.10 includes (among other things) a new script that shows the data (client, times and cost) for the station from where it is called.

You can configure the windows' desktops for using the script URL as an "Active Desktop".

Posted by Javier Smaldone 2003-12-03

Good news... bad news...

Release 0.2 is not ready yet.

Release 0.1.9 is our first "non-development" release. It's ready for testing in the "real world".

Good luck!

Posted by Javier Smaldone 2003-11-25

New major version is comming

After a few days of constant development the new version 0.2 is comming...

It will be the first "usable" version of CybOrg.

Stay tuned !!!

Posted by Javier Smaldone 2003-11-24

Times and costs

release 0.1.6devel includes times and costs calculations. Now it is possible to pause a rent (freeing the station and stopping the time).

There is a bug in the cost of a paused rent, that will be fixed in the next release.

Posted by Javier Smaldone 2003-11-23

Transactions and error-checking

0.1.5devel version implements full transactions on database and basic error checking.
Although it's still a development version, it's now very robust and stable.

Posted by Javier Smaldone 2003-11-19

From MySQL to PostgreSQL

In release 0.1.4devel we have moved from MySQL to PostgreSQL.

Our goal is to be more SQL-compliant and to use transactions on the database (maybe in the next release).

Posted by Javier Smaldone 2003-11-17

New release (0.1.3devel)

CybOrg is almost usable!!!

0.1.3 includes bugfixes and new functions.

In the current state, CybOrg can be used to manage a small cybercafe.

Posted by Javier Smaldone 2003-11-16

Initial development release

CybOrg 0.1.1devel can manage terminals (workstations) and groups, block workstations.

This is an early development version

Posted by Javier Smaldone 2003-11-06

Initial development

We have finished the design of CybOrg.

Now we are starting coding the first version. In the news few days we hope to have an "usable" version supporting the basic features.

So... stay tunned !!! ;)

Posted by Javier Smaldone 2003-10-13