
CustomADMX / News: Recent posts

New version of CustomADMX is coming!

Hi guys!

I'm not dead, I'm alright! I continue to develope ths project further. And I'm glad to announce that this week a new version of CustomADMX will be released and it will get 1.10.0 version number. Thoseof you who are familiar with CustomADMX version number assigning method already know that a new 3-rd party software will be added to the list of CustomADMX supported software. And it will be... Foxit Reader!... read more

Posted by Nov 2012-06-11

CustomADMX 1.9.3 released

Hi guys!

Two days ago a very good man nicknamed danrulz12 created first tracker ticket and suggested some fixes on Adobe templates. Today i have finally released fixed version based on his suggestions.

You can download updated version simply by visiting this page: or by visiting CustomADMX summary page and hitting the download button there.... read more

Posted by Nov 2012-03-29

Adobe Updater policies updated

Hi guys!

Just updated Adobe Updater policies. You won't be able to download them as .zip, only in installer, which is a default download for CustomADMX, so just go to project's homepage and click the big green button on main page. It's as easy as ABC!

Have fun!

Posted by Nov 2012-03-16

Quick installer update

Hi guys!

Tweaked installer a bit. Now it can create shortcuts to group policy management tools both for local group policy and domain group policy under CustomADMX group in start menu. Just install CustomADMX and you are ready to go and manage CustomADMX supported software.


Posted by Nov 2012-03-12

CustomADMX installer available!

Hi guys!

I've decided to create a CustomADMX installer to ease the process of installing CustomADMX. Picking the right files to get specific CustomADMX configuration is becoming too complicated.

So, welcome CustomADMX installer that is available over here:

Don't forget to carefully read a note that is popping up before installation begins!... read more

Posted by Nov 2012-03-07

CustomADMX is recieving donations.

Hi guys!

I want to tell that from now on CustomADMX project is recieving donations. You can donate and request a group policy templates for software you would like to see CustomADMX supported.

Or you just can donate to keep me motivated :)

Have a good day!

Posted by Nov 2012-03-06

Adobe Acrobat/Reader templates are released!

Hi guys!

I've finally released Adobe Acrobat/Reader templates! Acrobat templates are brand new one, Adobe Reader templates were heavily updated according to AIM published on Jan 10, 2012.

Without further ado start downloading immediatelly:
Full Package:

Adobe Acrobat separate package:
Adobe Reader separate package: read more

Posted by Nov 2012-03-06

Adobe Acrobat/Reader templates are done!

Hi guys!
Adobe Acrobat/Reader templates are done! But are not ready to be released ;-)

I need to run some generic troubleshooting procedures to consider it production deployment ready and fix some minor bugs that are definitely hiding there.

I know that I'm talking about releasing this templates for about a month now but I prefer to release quality. I don't think you guys would be happy if this templates will ruin your Acrobat/Reader deployments because of some nasty little typo in valuename or key path, right?... read more

Posted by Nov 2012-03-03

Adobe Acrobat/Reader X templates are delayed!

Hi guys!
I'm really sorry, but these templates are delayed once again. I've done checking existing Reader templates against latest AIM version and realized that there are too many new registry settings described that I have to create in templates. I've created about 10-20% of new policies, but there are too many left and I'm not sure if I will release them today. I'll do my best, but homework/shopping/wife are taking too much time if you know what I mean :)... read more

Posted by Nov 2012-02-26

Adobe Acrobat X templates are coming!

Hi guys!

First of all, Adobe Acrobat X templates and updated Adobe Reader X templates won't be released this weekend. I have to much work IRL, so i didn't work on them this week. Additionally, my home PC is broke...

The good news is that they are coming. They are about 40-50% done and i will do my best to release them next week, probably on weekend.

Sorry for the delay!


Posted by Nov 2012-02-18

Adobe Air templates released

Hi guys! As I already told yesterday, I'm releasing Adobe Air template. Only three options, that is all that available for configuration on this product.

Can be downloaded as a separate package here:
Or you can just download CustomADMX Full Package here: read more

Posted by Nov 2012-02-06

Nearest future plans

Hi guys! Just wanted to tell you about nearest future plans concerning CustomADMX. First of all, I'll make a template for Adobe Air, I think it will be released on Monday/Tuesday. There are so few options available, I think I'll make it in an hour or so.
Right after Adobe Air I'll begin to work on another Adobe software - Acrobat. Since options for Acrobat and Reader are pretty much the same I'm going to rewrite Reader templates as well. I think it will take me a couple of weeks to finish it. So, get ready for a major update in two weeks or so.
Hope you enjoy my work.
Yours, Nov.

Posted by Nov 2012-02-05

Microsoft Windows Network template added!

Hi guys! No, I'm not dead, but close to this condition :) Just kidding! CustomADMX was not updated due to several reasons: no options in registry were added in CustomADMX supported software as far as I know, i've got too much work in real life etc.

But several days ago I have faced a nasty problem in my corporate network: too much conflicts in sync center between my workstations, user docs and servers network shares. After several minutes of investigating i found a pretty good blog post on the subject: read more

Posted by Nov 2012-01-31

Java Runtime Environment templates available!

Hi guys!

Glad to annuonce that Java Runtime Environment (JRE) templates are ready to be deployed.

Thanks go out to phsubs (, Google search and Microsoft TechNet forums for info.

Download Full package:

Download JRE templates: read more

Posted by Nov 2011-09-06

CustomADMX status changed to Stable

Guys, I decided to change CustomADMX development status from Beta to Stable.

Since from the beginning of this project only several non-critical bugs were found. This means that CustomADMX templates are ready to be used in production environment. I personally use them in production right from the beginning.

I hope this will boost interest in this project from you guys. Have a good experience using CustomADMX templates!

Posted by Nov 2011-07-02

Skype templates typo fixed

Well, that was quite a lot of time since last update. Project is not dead, I just have lots of work to do. But I'll try to release new version as soon as possible. Give me ideas, what software deserves CustomADMX templates and I'll try to make them.

But for now just a quick fix. Thanks to Wichtel [] i've fixed typo in Skype templates.

Go to the main page and download. Thats it for now guys.... read more

Posted by Nov 2011-07-02

Quick bug fixing update!

Hi everyone! I've found that none of policies templates were able to show the supportedOn property of policies in Group Policy Editor. I'm sorry, it's my fault. So, I'm releasing this quick fix update.

Oh, by the way, i've finally found out what Disable Dragonfly registry value does in Skype, so template for Skype has this policy description updated.

I think that there is no point in posting change logs for updated templates because they are pretty much the same. So, just start downloading:... read more

Posted by Nov 2011-04-01

Skype template has been updated!

Glad to announce that Skype template has been updated to v1.1. Changelog:
[-]: "Disable Automatic Logout Confirmation Dialogue" policy
[+]: "Disable "Sign Out" Menu Item" policy

Yeah, not so much. But one bug less is better than nothing, isn't it?
If you want your users not to be able to log in into their personal skype accounts, just enable this policy.

I wish Skype has made "Sign Me in when Skype starts" checkmark a policy too. It would be just perfect!... read more

Posted by Nov 2011-03-30

CustomADMX blog is up and running!

Another great news for you guys! Decided that CustomADMX deserves it's own blog!
So, here it is:
CustomADMX blog will be devoted to Group Policy and anything that concerns.

So stay tuned and keep track of new posts!

Posted by Nov 2011-03-25

CustomADMX package updated

CustomADMX package has been updated:
Updated Adobe Reader X templates to v1.1
Added Adobe Updater policies templates

Adobe Reader X v1.1:
[*] Fixed supportedOn attribute for several policies
[*] Fixed visual glitches in several policies
[-] Deleted several empty categories

Adobe Reader X separate package: read more

Posted by Nov 2011-03-25

CutomADMX Wiki is up!

Started up Wiki to post guides, external links and so on concerning the whole Group Policy and Group Policy Templates thing. BTW, the first article is already done.

Installing and using CustomADMX in Windows Vista/7:

You are welcome!

Posted by Nov 2011-03-24

CustomADMX was launched!

CustomADMX went public! Group Policy Templates are available for Adobe Reader X, 7-Zip, Skype and 2GIS. Not much but i think it's enough for the very first public release.

So you are welcome to download, ask questions, discuss, request features in forums and of course report bugs

Posted by Nov 2011-03-23