
Moving to WDTE

The 0.0.3 release will very likely be the last release from this project (unless a really critical showstopper bug is discovered by someone).

But that isn't necessarily bad news: a couple of weeks ago, I've merged efforts with developers of other Eclipse plugins related to web-development to form the open-source "Web Development Tools for Eclipse" (WDTE) project, also hosted here at Sourceforge:

The code base from the CSS Editor project has already been imported into the WDTE CVS is will be maintained and improved over there. Bug reports, enhancement requests or forum messages can still be posted to the CSSEditor project during the transition, I will be listening.

Other contributions to the new WDTE project include the XML/DTD editing functionality from the SolarEclipse project, as well as the JavaScript editor from the project. If you are interested in building and improving tool support for front-end web development, come and join us!

Posted by Christopher Lenz 2004-02-12

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