
CSS Editor (Eclipse Plugin) / News: Recent posts

Bugfix release 0.0.5

The version 0.0.5 is just a bugfix release of the CSS Editor, so that the plugin runs in Eclipse 3.3 now.
Again, the ZIP archive contains the compiled plugin as well as the source code.

Posted by Mathias Schaeffner 2008-03-28

Bugfix release 0.0.4

I've just uploaded a bugfix release of the CSS editor plugin that fixes compatibility with recent builds of the 3.0 stream of the Eclipse platform. This version of the plugin is expected to work with the release candidates as well as the final release of Eclipse 3.0. The ZIP archive contains the compiled plugin as well as the source code.

Posted by Christopher Lenz 2004-06-25

Moving to WDTE

The 0.0.3 release will very likely be the last release from this project (unless a really critical showstopper bug is discovered by someone).

But that isn't necessarily bad news: a couple of weeks ago, I've merged efforts with developers of other Eclipse plugins related to web-development to form the open-source "Web Development Tools for Eclipse" (WDTE) project, also hosted here at Sourceforge:... read more

Posted by Christopher Lenz 2004-02-12

Bugfix release 0.0.3

I've just uploaded a bugfix release of the CSS editor plugin. This ZIP archive contains the compiled plugin as well as the source code. Check out the release notes to find out about what bugs have been fixed.

Posted by Christopher Lenz 2004-02-12

Bugfix release 0.0.2

I've just uploaded a bugfix release of the CSS editor plugin. This ZIP archive contains the compiled plugin as well as the source code. Check out the release notes to find out about what bugs have been fixed.

Posted by Christopher Lenz 2004-01-13

Initial release

I've just uploaded the initial release of the CSS editor plugin. This ZIP archive contains the compiled plugin as well as the source code (as well as a couple of bugs and limitations).

This release has only been tested on Eclipse 3.0 M6. As Eclipse 3.0 is the target platform for this plugin, future releases will also be developed and tested against the most recent 3.0 stream milestones. So be prepared for having to live on the edge.... read more

Posted by Christopher Lenz 2004-01-06