
CPManager - Complex Project Manager / News: Recent posts

Check out GANTT chart in control center!

The control center has been redesigned. New is a GANTT chart to display the simulation results. By default the projects are collapsed, but with a mouse click each container (project, phase) shows its content.

Table and GANTT chart are separated by a split pane which allows you to display as many table columns as you like. No need to say that vertically scrolling is synchronized between table and chart.... read more

Posted by Wolfram Wagner 2005-12-16

Rework phase finished

I have finished a rework phase: I removed obsolete code, modernized older code fragments and fixed bugs.

Next step will be the redesign of Control center to display the results in GANTT like way. So I will have to do many changes. If you like a runable version for test, please checkout the CVS of today.

I would be glad to get some feedback!


Posted by Wolfram Wagner 2005-10-14

Visible progress

In the last weeks Complex Project Manager has become something like an application.

Right now a basic use is already possible:
- Login (unproofed)
- Open Control Center (Module to manage projects)
- Create and Edit projects in own scenario (using FlowChart Editor)
- Saved projects are automatically simulated
- Simulation results are stored in database
- Control Center shows begin and end of project elements... read more

Posted by Wolfram Wagner 2005-04-07

Progress on FlowChart

I am proud to be able to tell you that a big part of the flow chart implementation has been done. Until now the algorithm to layout a code defined project is written.
It is the base for the future project editor. To check it out, please get the latest CVS version and start class cpm.gui.flow.text !


Posted by Wolfram Wagner 2005-02-07

CPManager team releases ALPHA version of engine

The project CPManager - Complex Project Manager focuses on the development of a project simulation engine. It supports multiple projects, resource dependend calendars (to reflect worktimes, official holidays, vacations) and works on real live efforts (progress by effort) instead of durations (although durations are also supported).

With those features it will be something really new. It will help to keep the head above everything and shows what small changes do to your project's due dates.... read more

Posted by Wolfram Wagner 2004-08-23

Preparing Alpha Party

We are preparing our Alpha Release Party.
Complex Project Manager engine has reached a pretty good state. We are completing the documentation, editing the manual and will providing a well documented sample project now.
Alpha state is almost reached.

Our releases are defined in that way:
Engine works with reasonable stability. Basic documentation which describes the concepts and possible use of our engine is created.
Engine can and should be tested by anyone.
Engine is used into a ProjectManagement Application. So the engine will be better adapted to real live needs.
The release as 1.0 will be done together with the working project management application.

Posted by Wolfram Wagner 2004-06-25

Real-life workday handling added

The new feature GenericCalendarEntry is intruducing real- life workday support for CPManager. Workdays are not defined by start and length anymore. Instead you may define the spare times/breaks as GenericCalendarEntries.

With this change the ResourceCalendar supports the definition of a default workday, defined by using the classes GenericSpecialDay and GenericCalendarEntry.
The engine respects them when it simulates the project flow by resolving GenericCalendarEntries to CalendarEntries and adding them to the entries in Project Calendar. ... read more

Posted by Wolfram Wagner 2004-06-01

Prealpha tests have started

This morning we have started the pre-alpha tests! That means that the basic funtionality is implemented but still pretty buggy.
We will release the alpha version as soon as it is reasonable useable.

Posted by Wolfram Wagner 2004-05-27