
CookXml / News: Recent posts

CookXmlDoc preview in Subversion

CookXmlDoc, a utility to document XML tag libraries for CookXml, is now in Subversion. CookXml is a uniquely XML parser that is not only fast, but also allows fast generation of custom XML parsers in Java. In the past, there was a problem of clearly documenting the semantics of the XML that is handled by CookXml tag libraries. This new tool, CookXmlDoc converts the XML tag library into a represenation that is suitable for output. It works very similar like JavaDoc that can take doclets to generate custom formats.... read more

Posted by Coconut 2006-12-14

CookSwing 1.5 jar re-build

CookSwing 1.5 jar file before Nov 10, 2006 appeared to be corrupted (not working at all). Please download again if you upgraded to 1.5.

Sorry about that.

Posted by Coconut 2006-11-11

CookXml 3.0 Released

CookXml, a unique XML data binding tool for Java (unmarshalling only) released version 3.0. All the sub-projects have been updated to reflect the changes.

The main feature of this version is the namespace handling. CookXml can parse XML files with or without namespace, or partially namespaced files. These three modes are provided to provide existing CookXml users the ability to parse existing XML files, doing minor extensions in namespace, or fully switching to namespaced XML formats. Despite the buggy crimson parser of JDK 1.4.2, CookXml is able to support namespaced attributes as well.... read more

Posted by Coconut 2006-10-29

CookXml 3.0 is about ready

CookXml, a unique XML data binding tool for Java, is about to release its version 3.0 in the next two days. Most of the refactoring is done and only minor bug fixes, tweaks left.

In this version, the main feature that has been added is the namespace handling. CookXml can parse XML files with or without namespace, or partially namespaced files. These three modes are provided to provide existing CookXml users the ability to parse existing XML files, doing minor extensions in namespace, or fully switching to namespaced XML formats. Despite the buggy crimson parser of JDK 1.4.2, CookXml is able to support namespaced attributes as well.... read more

Posted by Coconut 2006-10-26

CookXml NameSpace preview in Subversion

CookXml 3.0 preview, which adds XML namespace handling, is in Subversion. I also worked on CookSwing a bit to test two modes of parsing XML files. I will update CookSwt and other libraries when I get chance.

The two modes are, with namespace and without namespace. If you run CookSwingDemo, then tabledemo_ns.xml is a namespace version of XML which will be recognized by the default CookSwing tag library. CookSwing can also work without namespace, for backward compatibility.... read more

Posted by Coconut 2006-10-22

CookSwt Updated for SWT 3.2

CookSwt, an XML->SWT GUI motor, has been updated to support new widgets of SWT 3.2. The release is version 1.2.

What's New

1. ToolTip
2. ExpandBar and ExpandItem
3. GLCanvas and GLData. GLCanvas is limited to creating a new empty instance. <gldata> needs to be a child of <glcanvas>.
4. Table and Tree added "sortingdirection" setter.
5. Composite added "backgroundmode" setter; ... read more

Posted by Coconut 2006-08-12

CookFormLayout 1.0 Released

CookFormLayout is a JGoodies FormLayout extension for CookSwing, an XML->Swing GUI motor. It provides the capability of doing FormLayout using XML inside CookSwing.

In this 1.0 Release, CookFormLayout includes the following features of JGoodies FormLayout 1.0.7:

1. FormLayout support.
2. PanelBuilder support.
3. DefaultFormBuilder support.
4. ButtonBarBuilder support.
5. ButtonStackBuilder support.
6. Default Borders in Formlayout.
7. Plenty of examples :)... read more

Posted by Coconut 2006-07-24

CookXml 2.5 Released


CookXml is a powerful general purpose dynamic XML data binding tool (unmarshalling only). Unlike JAXB, CookXml loads user defined tag libraries at runtime to convert XML documents into Java Object. The result is a highly configurable yet efficient XML parser.

What's New

1. added a feature that allows one to call CleanupHook objects after DecodeEngine is finished. This feature is used in CookSwing where label's labelfor attribute requires a forward lookup for ids/variables. A simple way of doing it is basically caching the demand and calling setLabelFor after DecodeEngine has finished parsing the XML.... read more

Posted by Coconut 2006-07-15

CookXml 2.4 released

All subprojects of CookXml, such as CookSwing, CookSwt, CookJS, etc all have been updated to utilize the latest features of CookXml. So be sure to update these packages as well.

== What's New ==

# CookXml 2.4

* added setDefaultClassLoader and setClassLoader functions to CookXml to facilitate the resource locating. The tags that are affected are <include> and <text>.

# CookXml 2.3.1

* remove a debugging message that should have been commented out for accessing a field. ... read more

Posted by Coconut 2006-06-30

CookXml BSF Extension Released

This extension gives CookXml the scripting capability using BSF (Bean Scripting Framework\).

Java Web Start demo is available at

CookXml and its sub projects are available at

Posted by Coconut 2005-08-22

CookXml JavaScript Extension Released

This extension gives CookXml the scripting capability using JavaScript (Mozilla Rhino\). Java Web Start demo is available at

The Java Web Start demo was actually harder to produce than my first thought, mostly due to Rhino's insistance of creating ClassLoader to load JavaScript byte code here and there, which cause security exceptions when running in a sandbox. See my comment on for more information.... read more

Posted by Coconut 2005-08-19

CookXml Jython Extension Released.

This extension gives CookXml the scripting capability using Jython ( Java Web Start demo is available at

This feature mainly aims at Jython users who are more comfortable working with Python code rather than Java. This CookXml extension greatly simplifies GUI application development using Jython and XML.

For Java developers, I would suggest the BeanShell extension of CookXml as the scripting language for your GUI building.... read more

Posted by Coconut 2005-08-09

CookXml BeanShell Extension Released

This extension gives CookXml the scripting capability using BeanShell ( The combination of CookXml and BeanShell made it infinitely easier creating GUI applications in Java w/o writing much Java code.

Posted by Coconut 2005-07-29

CookSwt 1.1 Released

This release is now armed with CookXml 2.0 and is updated with SWT 3.1.

Posted by Coconut 2005-07-23

CookSwing 1.2 Released

This new version is enchanced with CookXml-2.0 and added in some new tags for GUI input related constructions. Also some bug fixes.

Posted by Coconut 2005-07-23

CookXml 2.0 Released

This new version of CookXml mainly addresses the concern of exception handling. It is now possible for developers to intercept exceptions and make decisions to suppress it, allowing the decoder to continue to work on the rest of the XML, or to generate an error, causing the decoder to immediately return with the error. Of course logging is very possible with this method.

Posted by Coconut 2005-07-23

CookSwt 1.0 released.

This is an XML to SWT GUI toolkit. Features

1. All SWT components can be configured. Resources (Image, Font, Color, Cursor) are automatically disposed when widgets using them are disposed. Run the demo on your local machine with "-ea" (enable assertion) for disposal messages.

2. All SWT Layouts. Any complex layouts can be created.

3. All SWT Listeners.

4. Simple custom dialog creations with <xmldialog>. ... read more

Posted by Coconut 2004-08-30

CookSwing 1.1 released.

Mostly bug fixes and moving cookswing/ to cookxml/cookswing and move certain files out to cookxml/common. The changes were needed to avoid duplicate code with CookSwt.

Also added base and array tags. Use base to provide a virtual root so that multiple children could be specified to the virtual parent (the parent which can be specified with xmlDecode function). Array is intended for creating object arrays (including that of the primitive type).

Posted by Coconut 2004-08-30

CookSwt preview available

CookSwt is an XML to GUI toolkit using CookXml.

This is not an official release, just a preview&#65292; although everything is implemented. Features

1. All SWT Components can be configured. Resources (Image, Font, Color) are automatically disposed when widgets using them are disposed. Run the demo on your local machine with "-ea" (enable assertion) for disposal messages.
2. All SWT Layouts can be used anyway you wanted.
3. All SWT Listeners.... read more

Posted by Coconut 2004-08-26

CookXml/CookSwing 1.0 Released

CookSwing is an XML to Java Swing GUI toolkit based on CookXml. It is powerful and easily extensible. Not only it does Swing, it can be used as a general XML configurator as well.

This is the first release of the project.

Posted by Coconut 2004-08-17