
Build instructions?

  • Weeble

    Weeble - 2010-11-18

    How do I build and debug Console? I have Visual Studio 2010 and Windows 7.

    I have done this:

    1. Cloned the git repository.
    2. Fetched this:
    3. Unzipped it and copied it into the wtl folder.
    4. Downloaded boost 1.44.0.
    5. Unzipped it.
    6. Built it with link=static runtimelink=static
    7. Loaded the solution file - Visual Studio require it to be "upgraded" to 2010
    8. Added boost to the include directories.
    9. Added _HAS_CPP0X=0 to the list of defines because it complained about shared_ptr being ambiguous.
    10. Built everything.
    11. Some files failed to be copied in the post-build steps - they seemed to be for copying 32-bit binaries over to 64-bit folders.
    12. Tried to run it, but the FreeLibrary DLLs were missing.
    13. Tried copying those DLLs from my Console install.
    14. Still can't run the version of Console I've just built, in Debug or Release. It just terminates immediately.

    Any advice? Is there a list of instructions somewhere?

  • Weeble

    Weeble - 2010-11-18

    Okay, I was missing the XML config file.

  • Joshua J Drake

    Joshua J Drake - 2010-12-15

    Is it possible to build Console2 in debug mode? I tried and failed. There was an assert that had a missing variable, and then WTL was complaining about several incorrect parameters to InsertColumn and InsertItem .. It seemed like the wrong prototype was being selected. I'm using Visual Studio 2008 here.


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