
#381 'Run as User' does not work when anything is added to Shell


Run as User in Console 2 is great, although I cannot get it to run anything other than CMD and even then without any arguments or startup script.

When anything is typed into the tab's Shell field (even %COMSPEC%, it does not work, so I cannot even use %COMSPEC% /t:0F.

Ideally, I would like to be able to run TCC/LE using Run as User, with %MYPATH%\tcc.exe /t:0F. And how about PowerShell? Can dreams come true?


  • Kirill

    Kirill - 2011-05-20
    • priority: 5 --> 4
    • status: open --> pending-invalid
  • Kirill

    Kirill - 2011-05-20

    Are you trying to use environment variables in your Shell or Startup dir? If so, this is not supported when Run as user is checked because we can't reliably expand environment variables for a different user. One may consider the behaviour as a bug, one may say it's a missing feature.

    I have a tab with the following:
    Shell: cmd.exe /k dir
    Startup dir: c:\download (different from where console.exe is)
    Run as user: checked

    It opens just fine and lists the directory.

    Depending on your point of view, you can either change the Summary of this bug (if there is no other one) or submit a feature request.

  • jason404

    jason404 - 2011-06-01

    @akrill: Thanks for the explanation. I'm not sure how to change the summary. I'll try to close it.

  • jason404

    jason404 - 2011-06-01
    • status: pending-invalid --> closed-invalid

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