
ConEmu - Handy Console Window / Blog: Recent posts

ConEmu icon rebranding

Hi, ConEmu users! Happy New Year!

My followers (Twitter, G+, FaceBook) likely know already that I'm searching for new ConEmu icon...
The main reason - the current one looks very much like Far Manager one.
New icon must be memorable, associative, simple and ascribable to PC/IT.... read more

Posted by Maximus5 2015-01-03

How to use powershell on remote Windows host

If you are on *nix machine and need to get access to remote Windows host running PowerShell inside - read the following (article in progress).

At the moment, I can make russian screenshots only.

Preparing Windows host

1) First of all, you need to install Telnet server on your Windows host. Go to Control Panel -> Applications -> Windows components. Turn on Telnet server and press OK. You may be prompted for your Windows DVD.... read more

Posted by Maximus5 2014-07-19 Labels: telnet

Please VOTE! for the June SourceForge project of the Month!

ConEmu has been selected to be on the ballot for the June Community Choice SourceForge? project of the Month!

Please vote for ‘conemu’ (SF account required, one voice per user):

Just ‘Log in or Join’ to SourceForge and post to the voting thread

VOTE: conemu
Posted by Maximus5 2014-06-03

Tasks, Icons and tabs

Realized some inconsistency in the "/icon" task parameter.
When it was created, the idea was to set the icon in the ConEmu window TITLE BAR. In other words, when you run ConEmu with exact Task on its startup (any shell, long running script, and so on) uses has an option to change the icon, which will be visible on task bar and in the ConEmu title bar.
Now, the problem. If you have already started ConEmu and you run that task, ConEmu title bar icon will be changed. And never will be changed back.
What do you think? Need to ignore "/icon" switch in the task parameters when it is running in the existing ConEmu instance?

Posted by Maximus5 2014-02-27

New Intelligent selection mode in ConEmu

  • Now, you may start both block or text selection with mouse without modifier pressed.
  • Type of selection will be determined by the direction of LButton mouse drag, when you start drag vertically - block selection, horizontally - text selection.
  • If you set up and press selection modifier - mouse selection will start even if ‘Intelligent selection’ is disabled with exceptions.
  • New mode may be disabled ‘totally’ or for specified processes only. For example, Vim knows about text selection and can process mouse internally, and Far Manager can use mouse for dragging files or text selection in Editors.
  • When "far" specified in the exceptions without extension, you can use new mode in the ‘User screen’ (panels are off) and in Viewers.... read more
Posted by Maximus5 2014-02-03