
ConcourseConnect Issue Tracker

In the spirit of using one's own product, the ConcourseConnect issue tracker runs on ConcourseConnect.

The issue tracker allows you to submit bug reports and categorize them. The core team will be assigned the issues for review and reply with the solution if there is one. When submitting issues, please have the following information so that we can duplicate the problem. If possible, you can use one of the example solutions sites at to demonstrate the issue.

- The version of ConcourseConnect and the server architecture
- The context of the bug: web application, workflow engine, api, etc.
- The steps you took to reproduce the bug including the browser and operating system
- A screenshot of the error
- A copy of any exceptions in the server's log file... typically called catalina.out or stderror.log in tomcat's log directory.

Review and submit any issues you find...

Posted by Matt Rajkowski 2009-05-19

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