
Calendar went to 1999

  • plaanaa

    plaanaa - 2006-03-06

    I just noticed that the calendar has gone a few years back. It says it´s 30.11.1999?!

    I haven´t touched anything.

    • Mark Wallis (aka serialmonkey)

      Can you provide us a link to your blog to see this ?


    • straightgeek

      straightgeek - 2006-03-20

      I too have this problem.

      • Mark Wallis (aka serialmonkey)

        Can you tell me what version of Comoblog and what version of the mod_calendar module you are running ? Did this happen all of a sudden or after some change you made to the config ?


      • Mark Wallis (aka serialmonkey)

        This is driving me crazy, I still can't work out how to replicate this.

        Does anyone who is experiencing this problem have SSH or at least FTP access to their server and is willing to give me the username/password to run some debugging myself ?

    • straightgeek

      straightgeek - 2006-03-22

      comoblog 1.1 and the mod_calendar module that came w/ comoblog (I assume it's the same module that was built into easymoblog).


    • Allan

      Allan - 2006-04-18

      Maybe this can help to track down the error:

      I have seen this from my first install of Easymoblog 0.5.1 about a month ago.

      I tried upgraded to Comoblog 1.1.0 to remedy this exact "error", but to no avail.

      My installation is:
      PHP: 5.1.2
      mysql: 5.0.19
      Apache: 2.2.0

      I am not much of a programmer, but perhaps is has something to do with differences in PHP 4 and PHP 5.


      • Mark Wallis (aka serialmonkey)

        Good theory - I'm on 4. I'll see if I can find a 5 box and test this out.

        • Mark Wallis (aka serialmonkey)

          Afraid the PHP 4 vs 5 idea didn't pan out for me - I just installed CMB onto a PHP5 machine and it's working fine.

          Okay, time to debug - can someone who is seeing this problem please download the replacement index.php file from below. Rename it to index.php, take a backup of your old index.php and then replace it with that one. Refresh the main page of your blog and you will have some debugging up the top of the page. Cut-paste the debugging back here for me to look at.


          • Allan

            Allan - 2006-04-19

            It gives:

            !!MODE1!!Y=M=D=VALID PATH FOUND

            • Mark Wallis (aka serialmonkey)

              Okay, getting closer. Can you repeat with the file below



              • Allan

                Allan - 2006-04-19

                !!MODE1!!Y=M=D=VALID PATH FOUND - CT=943916400 - T=1145433744

                • Mark Wallis (aka serialmonkey)

                  Okay, 3rd time lucky - appears that index.php is using some "odd" logic that probably needs cleaning up. I've put in a rough attempt - see how below does


                  • Allan

                    Allan - 2006-04-19

                    Debug result: !!MODE1!!CATCHEAR

                    - and the calendar is shown correct!

                    • Mark Wallis (aka serialmonkey)

                      Excellent ! Thanks for your testing, couldn't have done this without you.

                      I've commited the fix to CVS - it will turn up in the next release.

                      For those wanting to fix it now through you can grab a replacement index.php from below


    • plaanaa

      plaanaa - 2006-08-02

      Well, mine is 1999 and I can't navigate it at all. No older posts are found anywhere. Would you put that replacement back there for a while, please?

      Here's the url for my blog:

    • plaanaa

      plaanaa - 2006-08-05

      Err...I'm sorry but what am I supposed to do with that file you provide on that link? Is it the "index.php" -file?

      • Mark Wallis (aka serialmonkey)

        Replace your index.php with that one.

    • plaanaa

      plaanaa - 2006-08-06

      Thanks, now it has the right date. However, when I try to navigate with the calendar it's not working :/

      It has the right date underlined when something is added to the blog, so it seems to work ok there too now.

    • plaanaa

      plaanaa - 2006-08-06

      Well, me and my english, I'll say it again so that someone actually understands something.
      So it works ok else but navigating is not working.

    • plaanaa

      plaanaa - 2006-08-23


    • plaanaa

      plaanaa - 2007-03-16


    • Mark Wallis (aka serialmonkey)

      Okay, back to looking at this now.

      Do you find that if you go into the Admin screens, Pref's - Functionality and toggle the "Path Info" setting that the navigation works better for you ?

    • plaanaa

      plaanaa - 2007-03-24

      Hi Mark! Thanks, i changed the "Path Info" to "no" and it works perfectly. Thanks for your help!


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