
Post Navigation

  • andrewerbs

    andrewerbs - 2006-01-25

    Hi Guys,

    Just a suggestion for a module or feature for the next version.

    I'd be nice to be able to get to all of my posts rather than the last 10. I was using the post by title module to get access to them, but it doesn't appear to work with the latest version (Como1.1)

    Back and forward buttons from the permalink page would be good. Maybe a slideshow button too??

    Also last and next 10 posts buttons would be good from the index page.

    Finally a thumbnail view of 100 posts would be good too...

    Just a few suggestions...



    • iamdecal

      iamdecal - 2006-01-25

      I'd be nice to be able to get to all of my posts rather than the last 10. I was using the post by title module to get access to them, but it doesn't appear to work with the latest version (Como1.1)

      can you give me a URL - its working for me, if you  can provide a few details, (and check the error logs if you can) i'll see what i can do.

      Back and forward buttons from the permalink page would be good. Maybe a slideshow button too??

      mod_prevnext ?

      Also last and next 10 posts buttons would be good from the index page.

      we're working on it ;-)

      Finally a thumbnail view of 100 posts would be good too...

      hmmmm - not released this as i didnt think anyone would be interested, but I'll put it into cvs if anyone fancies it.

      not really sure if its what you're after or not though.

      hope that helps


    • HDiggity

      HDiggity - 2006-01-28

      I have hacked this functionality somehow, it's in mod_blogrolling and i've included links to each of my topics. I found the calendar navigation cumbersome and i have had comments from friends about how they navigate the site. Check it out you'll see what I mean - on the right hand side I have each topic with a description and a link to that topic (same as clicking topic icon).  In between the posts I have left a ampersand nbsp semicolon (in blogrolling) and so that is how it is spaced out. try it yourself!

    • andrewerbs

      andrewerbs - 2006-02-13

      my URL is;

      The picture board looks great, I'd love to get a hold of a module that does that :)

      Also, where can I find mod_prevnext for download?
      I can't seem to find it...



      • Mark Wallis (aka serialmonkey)

        I haven't released that module yet as we are still testing parts of it. Looks like it might be okay now, would you like us to release it ?


    • iamdecal

      iamdecal - 2006-02-15

      maybe we need some kind "realease candidate 1" release so that people who dont mind giving feed back on the modules can try them..

      i'd be a lot happier when i  release  mine of they had some independant testing, they are mainly in cvs, but i appreciate that some people dont want to use that.

      how about putting a zipped version ready for download as up and letting people try that?

      • Mark Wallis (aka serialmonkey)

        I agree - testing of modules is something that is slipping through the cracks at the moment.

        The "release" procedure for new modules is also a right pain. Adding them to SF and our Wiki is very manual and time consuming - hence why I'm straying away from the idea of actually releasing "BETAs".

        For the time being, I think module testing will have to stay with the developers. The main reason for this is modules that require DB changes. If a module makes a DB change in a BETA, and then we alter that before the final release then users are going to end up with a mess of a DB and unable to install the updated module.

        Frankly, I'm not liking the way we are doing DB related work in modules at the moment anyway. I think we need to add the ability to mark a DB query such that if it fails then it's ignored (i.e. trying to create a table that is already there). Think of any issues with doing that ? I'm thinking that <dbquery> means it's required and <dbquery-optional> means to ignore it if it fails.


    • andrewerbs

      andrewerbs - 2006-02-16

      I'm happy to try out the modules and give yall some feedback... I'd also love to get a hold of your Pictureboard code too.



    • iamdecal

      iamdecal - 2006-02-16

      send me an email(to and i'll mail you the pictureboard code - its not a module as such as im not really sure what to do with it, it was kind of going to be an into to the site so that if people didnt have a cookie they saw it first, but i never really liked that idea.

      anyway take a look, im open to suggestions on how to improve it.


    • iamdecal

      iamdecal - 2006-02-21

      >>'m thinking that <dbquery> means it's required
      >>and <dbquery-optional> means to ignore it if it

      yeah i'd go with that, i cant think of a better way to handle it

      i think there needs to be an easy way of removing preferences as well, perhaps as

      <dbquery-optional>CODE TO REMOVE ALL PREFERENCES FOR THIS MODULE</dbquery-optional>

      but you wouldnt want this to run with out consulting the user, so maybe we need a third option, and thats when its going to start getting messy....

      maybe just a generic remove everything to do with this module option that can be used as a last resort.

      • Mark Wallis (aka serialmonkey)

        Can you think of an instance where a module upgrade would want to remove all the config of the previous module version ? I''m having a hard time thinking of one - not to say it won't occur ;-)

        I'll add in the dbquery-opt tag and go through all the XML scripts for Comoblog upgrades as well as module upgrades to see where it's appropriate. 99.9% of the time it's going to be when your adding parameters or tables that may already exist.


    • iamdecal

      iamdecal - 2006-02-23

      nope, in the real world i doubt you'd ever want to remove all preferences - if the module had changed that much it should really have a new name  i think - it would be useful for testing though, but that can probably be inplemented in a different way.

      its probably as easy to do it in a dbquery-opt tag anyway

    • gummarith

      gummarith - 2007-10-01

      don't know if i missed something...but i think a page navigation at the bottom (or the top) of index.php should be very useful...
      so you set the number of contents to show on main page then you go thru' a simple page2,page3 navigation etc.etc. (i hate the calendar)....


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