
com0com- Win7 x64 Sign Problem

  • Mani

    Mani - 2012-09-12

    My company wants to use com0com- I'm trying to sign this driver using our Certificate. Here what I have done:
    Operating System Windows 7 64bit.
    - Download Source Code
    - Build driver for amd64 (Free Build Environment)
    - Copy all the *.inf files to amd64 folder.
    - Create/Generate *.cat file using inf2cat.
    - Add our (my company) digital signature to the cat file
    - Build setupg.exe (Release)
    - Download install.nsi from SVN and paste it to NSIS folder.
    - Create setup.exe file.

    After the driver installation is done, windows gives a popup message "Windows requires a digitally signed driver". When I check the driver in "Device Manager" under "Driver" tab it shows -> Digital Signer: My Company. I really don't know what I'm doing wrong or am I missing a step?


  • Vyacheslav Frolov

    Sign com0com.sys file with your signature.
    See step 2 in Building.txt.

  • Mani

    Mani - 2012-09-14

    Hi vfrolov
    Thank for your response.
    I signed file as well as com0com.sys file under amd64 folder.  But I still get the same popup message  "Windows requires a digitally signed driver".

  • Vyacheslav Frolov

    Did you added 7_X64 to inf2cat?

    inf2cat … /os:XP_X64,Server2003_X64,Vista_X64,Server2008_X64,7_X64,Server2008R2_X64

  • Kristofer Wright


    Did you ever reach a solution?  I'm encountering similar issues, having signed both files and ensuring that the cat file was set against the correct OS.  The .sys and .cat files show as signed when inspecting them, but the installer is either not picking up the signed files or something else that I'm not seeing.

    Using the latest nsi script file from CVS…


  • Wilma Fingerdo

    Wilma Fingerdo - 2012-12-03

    The easiest way is to override the driver signature check for the driver file in question if you are having trouble self-signing the driver:

    Use DSEO

    Another option would be the Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit, I have use this to "RunAs Invoker" but I think you can "self sign" drivers as well with it….

    Let me know if this helps anyone, I have to try this for a customer in the next few days…..

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-04-01

    We are also needing this for our company.  Vyacheslav  we are willing to pay you for your time (teamviewer session).  Do you offer commercial support?


    • CyberCircuits Lab.

      I have uploaded a signed version.

  • Vyacheslav Frolov

    Just copied it into com0com project.


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