
CobaltCMS / News: Recent posts

0.24 Alpha Released

Today the 0.24 version of CobaltCMS was released. This version is intended to be viewed by developers to comment on current progression, though 90% of the code isn't yet there. Still, it's something, and we hope to have the 0.3 release out in a few weeks. No mySQL data is distributed but there will be some out soon.

Posted by James Harrison 2005-12-08

Licensing Plans

In order to keep the software open to educational institutions and personal use, I have decided to allow educational institutions and personal users to use the software free.
However commercial uses of the software will require a license. Of course, source code will be distributed with commercial versions, and the license will include a lack of branding and advanced features.
Comment on this in the fourms.

Posted by James Harrison 2005-12-07