
chemicalInventory / News: Recent posts

New package released


Finally the new package has been released.

Read the release notes. Primarily this includes update to the user handling system, label print and a list of major and minor fixes and improvements...

One important change. The default admin username and password has changed...

it is now un: administrator pw: master

have fun


Posted by Dann Vestergaard 2007-01-19

Ready for next release


We are getting ready with the next release of the application... This includes a more sofisticated user/privileges setup...

If any comments or (more or less) brilliant ideas or suggestions for the next version, the time has now come to submit them...

Use either the mailing list or email the project directly at


Posted by Dann Vestergaard 2006-11-03

Online test system


To give new users a feel for the system before downloading, we have installed an online test system!

This system is fully functional (NO MAILS CAN BE SEND... to avoid spamming...).

Further details can be found on the project website, under the left menu point 'online system'.

(or the mirror site\)

Or go directly: read more

Posted by Dann Vestergaard 2006-10-06

Chemicalinventory forum

We have created a forum for this project! The forum is linked from the project home page, or can currently be found under
Please use! We are looking forward to hearing from you!!

Posted by Dann Vestergaard 2006-10-05

CVS archive updated


After the problems sourceforge had with the CVS archive, and because we wanted to update the archive to fit Eclipse, we ended with a bit of a mess.

This has now been cleaned up.

We have uploaded a new archive, chemicalinventory_CVS, with the newest code (so our history has been lost!) and it can now be checked out directly to Eclipse and from there compiled to .war files.

I will soon upload a -cdk version in the same layout to fit Eclipse... read more

Posted by Claus Stie Kallesoee 2006-05-22

We managed to grap the new .eu domain for this project. The domain is now pointing to the .org site...


Posted by Dann Vestergaard 2006-05-01

New package released


After causing some initial setup problem for some of you out there, we have now created a package where we have tried to make the setup process more simpel.

This includes bundling the latest release of jchem and marvin applets with the application. The recomended jdbc driver is also included, but must be placed correctly under tomcat after deployment.

The package has been testet in tomcat 4.1.31 and included is both a file for the server.xml under tomcat, and a different version of the web.xml, to be placed under the app.... read more

Posted by Dann Vestergaard 2006-04-12

Tomcat 4.1.x - what to do?

Dear all

After feedback from several users trying to install chemicalinventory on Tomcat version 4.1.x, I have tested our deployed setup and detected the same problems as reported by the users.

The problem is caused by the changed setup in server.xml on Tomcat version 5, when configuring the database connection pool and the realm for login connections and authentication handled by Tomcat. On top of that there are some changes to the web.xml of the project.... read more

Posted by Claus Stie Kallesoee 2006-04-03

Demo site now running


Our demosite is now up and running and you can try out
the application on line.

It runs on the college where dann and I studied for
our post graduate diploma so students will launch
their apps to the same instance of Tomcat and that can
cause some downtime now and then. If you experince
problems with the site pls let us know.

We currently have a 3 structure searches per minute
license but Chemaxon has promised us a full license so
no users should hit the search limit.... read more

Posted by Claus Stie Kallesoee 2006-04-01

CI can still run with Tomcat 4.1.x

Dear all

We have had users who have seen all sorts of strange error messages when trying to setup CI while using Tomcat 4.1.X

I hereby just wanted to let you all know that we have tested it again and it does work!

BUT it requires some changes to the Tomcat/CI setup in order to do authentication in a different way.

Dann is writting on a short describtion on what to do and he will post that shortly.

If you are currently having problems with Tomcat 4.1 then either mail to our mailing list or Dann or wait a couple of days and you will all have the manual... read more

Posted by Claus Stie Kallesoee 2006-03-26

20060223 Package Released

Dear all,

The latest package have now been released. This is done after a list of minor and major fixes and changes. The package has been testet in both windows and linux and is a stable release!

This new version includes some of the following changes.

- General bug fixes.
- It is now possible to add a location to a group. This can be done at any level. If an upper level is added to a group, all the sub locations is automatically also added. All containers at the added location are after this in the same groups (and only those) as selected for the location.
- The database has been added tables to allow for this functionality to be included.
- Bug in login sequence fixed.
- Bug in mail fixed.
- Attributes for mail setup added to the connfiguration file, where SMTP server and needed mail addresses for a general CI mailbox, webmaster and support must be defined.
- More attributes to the CIconfiguration file.
- Sample is now connected to a container. Work is undergoing to make several changes to the sample part of the application. This way you can add multiple samples for the same container.
- This version using the latest CI database script is tested in Linux (Debian) production environment and windows test environment and is considered stable!
- The database script for this release includes the report add-on, the new group-location link, and support for samples linking to containers! ... read more

Posted by Dann Vestergaard 2006-02-23

Comments on design idea needed

Dear all

We are about to start moving into the next step of the CI development where we will add in house synthesised/screening compounds. We define "screening" as compounds that is expected to have an effect on something (binds to a receptor) and therefore need to be tested.

I have written a short overview of the design in the design discussion forum.

Pls take a look and add your comments on this before we get started... read more

Posted by Claus Stie Kallesoee 2005-12-30

New version released

A new version of the chemicalinventory has been released today. There is a list of changes to the project, this including a new report (pdf) facility.

The previous reporting engine (BFO reports) has now been replaced by JasperReports. This is an open source java pdf library. This is implemented into CI where you define reports in the db, and then run the report from the UI. The setup requires you to create the .jrxml report and place it in the reports folder under the project on Tomcat.... read more

Posted by Dann Vestergaard 2005-12-29

Database script updated

Dear all

The database script has been updated to reflect the newest version of the JChem. We have also added the database script as a package


Posted by Claus Stie Kallesoee 2005-12-02

Upgrade/regenerate JChem structure tables

Dear all

After the problems we have had with the .jar files we have downloaded new versions.
But the newest version of jchem.jar requires an upgrade to the structure tables!

It's no problem to do, just follow this link:

and follow the description on how to upgrade.
Just remember that you need to set the CLASSPATH in order to start jcman, but you can also read about this on the chemaxon homepage.... read more

Posted by Claus Stie Kallesoee 2005-11-24

Problems with .jar files?

Dear all

It seems like we sometimes have problems with the .jar files delivered with the .war file.
The .jar files are located in /WEBINF/lib and it seems like they are sometimes corrupted after the upload and download to/from CVS.

If the application doesn't work after you have performed the steps in the HOWTO you might want to try to download new versions of the three .jar files we delivered with the .war files. You can find the .jar files here:... read more

Posted by Claus Stie Kallesoee 2005-11-21

New HOWTO is here - but it's a .gz

The HOWTO that describes the new 20051109 version of the application is here.
It has been added as a .gz file as I couldn't get the .txt upload to work (as it did with the first version?)
If you cannot unpack it the information can also be found on the project homepage under development

Posted by Claus Stie Kallesoee 2005-11-13

New build launched - new HOWTO on the way

Dear all

We have now launched a new build of the inventory.
The main difference is the configuration. It is now dynamic so you don't have to edit configuration files etc.
We can therefore also deploy .war files so all you have to do is place the .war file in the webapps folder under Tomcat.

I will soon submit a new version of the HOWTO that incorporates the changes



Posted by Claus Stie Kallesoee 2005-11-09

All .class files removed from the CVS

Dear all

We have now removed all the .class files from the CVS archive so it only holds the source files.

Dann and jacob is working on a major revision of the configuration of the project. When the work is done we will be able to supply the project as a .war making it a lot easier to set up the project.

Will let you know when its ready


Posted by Claus Stie Kallesoee 2005-11-01

We are ready to start the development

Dear all

After a slow start where we have had to learn how to use the site, CVS etc we are now ready to start developing new features and in general making the application better.

I have made a forum for design discussions where we can discuss how to design a new feature (or re-design what we have) before we allocate the job to one of the developers. this could be a way to make sure we all go in the same direction.... read more

Posted by Claus Stie Kallesoee 2005-10-22

The chemicalinventory dir is now visible

Dear all

Now the chemicalinventory dir is there. You can browse it via the Browse CVS function or check it out. If you want to check it out as a developer you first need to be registered as a developer and then use SSH to check it out.

Good luck and enjoy


Posted by Claus Stie Kallesoee 2005-10-18

CVS doesn't show up on the site?

As just posted I have added the project files to the CVS archive and I checked out the code with:

cvs -d checkout chemicalinventory

but I just realised that the files (the chemicalinventory) directory doesn't appear on the site but I currently don't know why


Posted by Claus Stie Kallesoee 2005-10-17

CVS added

Dear all

the project files have been added to the CVS archive.

I have tried the download and it seems to be working


Posted by Claus Stie Kallesoee 2005-10-17

Where is CIConfiguration.txt ?

In the HOWTO I have written:

"Copy the CIConfiguration.txt to /where_ever_your_tomcat_is_located/common/"

The CIConfiguration.txt file is placed under /chemicalinventory/text when you unpack the code

I will update the HOWTO when I get more feedback from the ones who are currently trying to use!

So don't hesitate to let me know if something is unclear


Posted by Claus Stie Kallesoee 2005-10-10

HOWTO uploaded

Dear all

I have written a more comprihensive document about how to setup the project than the readme file we shipped with the code.

The HOWTO gives you a step-by-step process to follow.

Hope it makes it easier.

Let me know what you think so we can make it better for the future


Posted by Claus Stie Kallesoee 2005-10-09