
#91 cannot change tray background


It is not possible to change the tray background. Although I change the background color in preferences nothing happens.
I am running checkgmail 1.13 in Fedora 12.


  • Felipe Castillo

    Felipe Castillo - 2010-05-02

    I can confirm this.... I'm trying to change the background and it's not working...

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Confirm as well, same issue on Ubuntu 10.04

  • Colin Keenan

    Colin Keenan - 2010-11-12

    Confirm as well, same issue on two different systems:
    - Ubuntu 10.10 with Gnome 2.32.0
    - antiX-M8.5 (Debian GNU/Linux squeeze/sid) with Gnome 2.30.2

  • Colin Keenan

    Colin Keenan - 2010-11-12

    I checked to see if the change in background color made in the preferences dialogue did anything at all. I found that it did change the file ~/.checkgmail/prefs.xml.

    After using the eyedropper to try to change the background to match the default tray color in Ubuntu 10.10, prefs.xml shows:
    <opt archive_as_read="1"
    And "4A4945" does match the color I selected with the eyedropper. It's just not changing the actual background color displayed in the panel icon.

  • Colin Keenan

    Colin Keenan - 2010-11-12

    I thought I could work-around the problem by creating a 24x24 icon that included the correct background, but checkgmail shrinks the icon slightly and still shows the white background. Since my icon is square, the white background shows up as a bold white frame, maybe 2 pixels thick. I tried a 28x28 icon still on the 24 pixel panel, but it still showed up with the bold white frame, just wider.

    To allow my workaround to work, can checkgmail be modified to not shrink the icon?

  • andreylosev

    andreylosev - 2010-12-01

    conifrm, this is also relevant on lxde with lxpanel

  • sasa.dvc

    sasa.dvc - 2014-11-15

    I see I'm a bit late, but try editing it's executable at:

    Open it with text editor, and, at line 580 (version 1.13-8), change "eventbox" to "ebox2". Also, at line 510, you can adjust border width.


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