
CEng -8- Dead week

A Brief look at the week:

Not much going on. All the people who applied for the administrative position responded stating that they were busy with other things, oh well. Besides that, nothing significant happened.

Important News:

1. All three important messages from last week were ignored. That can mean a few things. First, no one read it. Second, people are busy. Third, you read it but didn't care. Please, read them and see what it is that you can do to help out.

Individual Team Members:

Dustin (emoe) -
Nada, this week I didn't complete any of my goals.

Ryan (Ceiled) -
Nada. No goals, no achievements.

Sam (cmang) -
Sent sam a message two times during the week and I've yet to find him.

Daryl (masilis) -
The mystery man, still no plans that I know of really other then what he said about three to four weeks ago.

Michael (meyek) -
No plans, no achievements.

Philip (pjenvey, skyline) -
Hopefully still reading or finished reading DocBook & XML docs, and familiarzing himself with GL.

Jason (xsarinx, teekay) -
Wins most active man of the week. From what I can tell he's still dinking around with the website, and working on the PHP scripts for the time managing utility.

Aaron (zeram) -
Mostly busy with life, but still attempting to learn more about OO design and SGML, from what I hear.


Posted by Dustin 2001-03-12

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