
CEng -7- Quiet week (again)

A Brief look at the week:

The week was quiet, which I'm hoping isn't going to become a snowballing trend. Personally, I spent most of the week trying to find people to fill some administrative positions, and just doing the routine administrative tasks. As for other team members, I haven't been filled in on any additional details, so I assume that they're continuing to work on there old tasks, or dealing with real life problems :). As for SourceForge, it seems they have been busy, since we now have a new utility called an "Artifact Manager."

Important News:

1. Please guys, every week just tell me what you plan on getting done with. We're still really lacking in this area. You don't have to say anything like, "Save the world." I'll suffice with, "Nothing." But, I just want to get an idea what you guys plan on accomplishing, or trying. Very relative sort of stuff. If you're hopeful you can say, "Nothing, but I want to code up the interfaces :)." Something, anything in your journal entries. If you want an idea of how I do it check out:
And at the end of the week, it would be nice to just have some sort of post saying, how well that all turned out for you.

2. If you haven't turned your skills profile from private to public: JUST DO IT! :)
(cmang and meyek)

3. We still need *nix administrators!!! I'd like at least one dedicated person, but the more people the better.

Individual Team Members:

Dustin (emoe) -
I spent sometime at the end of the week trying to contact some people about filling administrative positions, but I've yet to receive any responses. And, I've been looking into to getting additional cash to setup a local linux box for the purposes of keeping a redundant copy of SF at another location. I also spent some time mucking around with the SF mailing lists, trying to figure out why exactly they're not archiving properly. However, I met with little success.

Ryan (Ceiled) -
Toying around with code, and midterms.

Sam (cmang) -
I'm not sure where my ol' bud CompuMan disappeared to. I'll send him a few more msg's this week :)

Daryl (masilis) -
He came in to the channel once or twice during the week, and poofed. I'm guessing working hard on design & reading.

Michael (meyek) -
Some indirectly related interfaces, that I hope have been posted to the forums by now. Some on and off discussions about games, and things relating to engines.

Philip (pjenvey, skyline) -
Reading DocBook, XML, and Getting into the OpenGL groove. Oh, and getting VERY familiar with the Unreal engine *wink, wink*.

Jason (xsarinx, teekay) -
Not too sure, probably a busy week for teekay with school.

Aaron (zeram) -
Mostly busy with life, but still attempting to learn more about OO design and SGML.

--Dustin(emoe) & Aaron(zeram)

Posted by Dustin 2001-03-05

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