
ChallengeOS / News: Recent posts

elfrtl 0.0.14b released

We are proud to make the first release at our new home. It's elfrtl version 0.0.14b, a runtime linker designed to link OS kernels from ELF object files.

The build environment was changed from DOS/DJGPP to Linux with this release.

Posted by Gregor Mueckl 2002-02-02

Moving into new home

The ChallengeOS project is moving to its new home at SourceForge during the next days. The old project had "challangeos" as unix project name - and therefore had to use this name for URLs. With the move to the new project space we will fix this problem and besides give the project somewhat a new start.

Expect changes and updates to the project during the next few weeks including a brand new homepage. We will also try and present to you the progress we have made during the last six months.

Posted by Gregor Mueckl 2001-12-26