
ceno / News: Recent posts

ceno 0.1.0 release

A more stable version of ceno was release. Due to md5 hashed passwords, ceno is now downside compatible (or database user password must be hashed manually to md5).

Posted by Andre Albert 2011-10-17

ceno 0.0.9 Release

the ceno release 0.0.9 is available. it contains bugfixes for resource modification detection, connection pooling, and some minor bugfixes.

Posted by Andre Albert 2011-07-18

ceno 0.0.8 released

contains bugfixes for schema creation and updatesite dependencies

Posted by Andre Albert 2010-12-27

ceno 0.0.7 Release

The "James Bond" Release was tagged and uploaded to updatesite url.
It can be also reached by the eclipse marketplace. It contains support for external databases such as mysql and major bugfixes

Posted by Andre Albert 2010-11-06

ceno 0.0.7 preview

A first snapshot for the "James Bond" release version 0.0.7 is now available on the updatesite (

Starting from now, the ceno server supports external databases such as mysql.

Posted by Andre Albert 2010-10-04

ceno 0.0.6

Release 0.0.6 contains some bugfixes and first implementations of handling the "modify" resource event.

Posted by Andre Albert 2010-08-06

ceno beta status

with the release of ceno 0.0.4 the project now has a beta status

Posted by Andre Albert 2010-04-04

ceno 0.0.4 release

ceno 0.0.4 can now be obtained from updatesite or sourceforge file repository.
It containes improved messaging protoco and enhanced server start/stop lifecycle. decorators can now be managed by eclipse preference page.

Posted by Andre Albert 2010-04-04

alpha status

ceno is now in a more stable alpha status,
Next version (0.0.4) will be our first beta

Posted by Andre Albert 2010-02-14

ceno 0.0.3 release

ceno releases version 0.0.3. Code is now more stable and new user management implemented. Also some performance improvements (server side in-memory caching). To be obtained from updatesite or as zipped updatesite downloadable from sourceforge

Posted by Andre Albert 2010-02-14

ceno 0.0.2 release

the latest release - version 0.0.2 - is now available on update site and sourceforge fileserver. It contains a new chat feature, refactored and bugfixed code and a new standalone server version which is launchable from shell

Posted by Andre Albert 2010-01-26

Standalone ceno Server available

ceno release a standalone net4j based server that is runnable from command line. Besides developers are also able to start/stop server with the eclipse workbench.

Posted by Andre Albert 2010-01-22

New team member

The ceno community welcoms dseidel as a new team member

Posted by Andre Albert 2010-01-14

Eclipse update site published

The update site for ceno releases will be

current released version on update site is 0.0.1

Posted by Andre Albert 2010-01-11

help wanted

The ceno community is looking for developers with eclipse pde experiences. Simply write an email to the project admins.

Posted by Andre Albert 2010-01-10

First ceno Pre-alpha released

Today, the first pre alpha release of ceno was published and tagged in the repository. This release comprises of launching a server, connecting to a server, setup preferences, submit open - and close events to the server, and watching open files of other connected team members. Bugfix releases as well as new feature will be release in version 0.0.2

Posted by Andre Albert 2010-01-10