

Jon Trulson Christopher Turkel

It is possible to add applications to the front panel. This can be done with the Create Action tool. The Create Action tool can be found in the Application Manager - Desktop Apps:

Desktop Applications - missing image

Double click Creation Action to begin. You can also type dtcreate in a terminal.

Dtcreate - missing image

There are numerous options in Create Action. For this tutorial we'll keep it simple. We'll just create a icon we can add to the front panel that will launch Firefox. You can substitute "Firefox" for whatever application you want to create.

The first field is "Action Name (Icon Label)". This where you put the text you want to appear under the icon. It doesn't have to be "Firefox", it can be "Web Browser" or "The Thing I Use To Surf The Web"

The second field is "Action Icons". These are just the icons for your icons, in various sizes that CDE needs to create a proper icon file for.

Icons can be found in one of three places:


If you don't see an icon you like (and chances are you won't, they are pretty basic icons) you can create your own. The icons must be in XPM or XBM format and they need to be in three sizes: 48x48, 32x32 and 16x16. Create three separate icons as each will be "consumed" when you use them in Create Action. I used The Gimp to create the three icons I needed.

Note: if you convert png icons to xpm format it may not work in Dtcreate

Next, click the left most "running man" icon and then click on "Edit Icon". Dticon will open:

Dticon - missing image

Note: you may see the "running man" instead of the blank screen. Don't worry, just ignore it.

Open the 48x48 pixel icon you created icon earlier:

Edit-icon - missing image

Save the icon and close dticon. Your icon will now appear in place of the "running man". Repeat these steps for the other two icons. This is what it will look like:

Edit-Icons - missing image

In the next field type the name of the executable. In my case I type "firefox". The help text is option is optional. Do not worry about any other fields. The action is complete. Next save your action and this dialog will appear:

Created-Icons - missing image

Click ok and close Create Action. Your action will appear in your home directory. Open your home folder and you'll see your action.

Dtfile-Action - missing image

You can test to see if your created action works by double clicking on the icon. Your appliction should start up. You can keep this action where ever you want, including on the desktop. Here is how you add it to the front panel.

Keep dtfile open and drag and drop the application from dtfile to the Personal Applications sub panel, in the spot that says "Install Icon". Your icon will appear at the bottom of the panel.

Drag-Drop - missing image

Your icon may not appear next to the name just yet. Simply log out and log back in and the icon will appear.


Wiki: ConfiguringDtfileMimetypes
Wiki: CustomisingCDE