
Building camprocessor on FreeBSD10

  • Parakleta

    Parakleta - 2015-03-30

    Apologies if this comes through twice, I wasn't sure the correct method to post to this forum.

    I cannot get this project to build under FreeBSD, and I cannot find any documentation to explain what the build process should be.

    I have installed Eclipse v4.4.2 and imported the snapshots of camedit tagged v3.3 and camv tagged v2.2, and then installed the eclipse plugins for "m2e-wtp" and "Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools" and "Axis2 Tools" in an attempt to resolve the missing plugin dependencies. Additionally I installed openjdk6 and set this as the default JRE and set the build compatibility to 1.6 as well.

    I am now stuck with "Unsatisfied version constraint: 'javax.wsdl: 1.6.2'" and "Project 'cameditor' is missing required library: 'lib/open-xdx-0.3.jar'"

    Can you please provide instructions for how to build this project, or alternatively please provide a binary built to target FreeBSD10 (amd64).



  • drrwebber

    drrwebber - 2015-03-31

    Duane, good question.

    I believe you need to use 3.4.x Eclipse; we are not supporting Eclipse 4.x


  • drrwebber

    drrwebber - 2015-03-31

    Duane, sorry, part 2 answer - you will need to get the open-xdx jar file separately also - its not in the git repository - Serge can advise on best place to find that.



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