
Compile CAM template without CAMed.

Michel G.
  • Michel G.

    Michel G. - 2013-11-27


    I'm looking at using CAM for one of my company's product and I was wondering if there was an official way of compiling a template with using CAMed so that it can be used with camv?

    Thanks and great work!


  • drrwebber

    drrwebber - 2013-11-27

    Michel, good question. We have been looking at this too and improving the useability. So - for the next release (not the one we are about to do) - we intend to automate the compiling inside CAMV - so you will no longer need to do that - just pass in the regular CAM template. Also - currently the compiling is done using Java code - but we plan to develop XSLT - so it is standalone process.

    I can't give hard timeline - but my guess is end of February or early March for that update - but let us know if you need something immediately and we can maybe look at it.

    Thanks, David

  • Michel G.

    Michel G. - 2013-11-28


    Compilation through XLST seems like a good idea!

    Our timeline is relatively short (~1 month). Meanwhile, I think we'll probably hack into CAM and try to extract the template compilation. That will work for us as a temporary workaround.

    Many thanks for your feedback!


  • drrwebber

    drrwebber - 2013-11-28


    Let us know if you need help locating that or if you get stuck.


  • Michel G.

    Michel G. - 2013-11-29


    Thanks, I will!



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