
Creating an element with an existing type

  • tom

    tom - 2015-04-30

    Hi David,

    Not sure if I missed this in one of the tutorials, apologies if I have.

    Let's say I want to detail shipping containers.

    I'm interested in the weight and the maximum carrying weight of the container. Using NIEM, I decide to use nc:ItemWeightMeasure for the purpose of representing these measures.

    In CAM, I create my template with the ShippingContainer element at the top level. I drag over a nc:ItemWeightMeasure element from the NIEM dictionary.

    How do I now name it to ShippingContainerTareWeightMeasure whilst maintaining the type, so I don't need to create a new type? Once renaming, will I then be able to drag over a second nc:ItemWeightMeasure item underneath ShippingContainer?

    If this isn't possible, what is the general pattern for addressing this type of problem?


  • drrwebber

    drrwebber - 2015-04-30

    Tom, a very good question. The simplest thing is to create a parent element ShippingContainerTareWeightMeasure and make nc:ItemWeightMeasure a child of that. This is assuming you will use Files / Export / Template as XSD / and pick the NIEM output option to create a new schema.

    Another approach is to get into manual schema editing of the generated schema and switch the defined type reference with the nc:ItemWeightMeasure. You could put an annotation of "Type" into the template to assist with that.

    Now you are asking this - it occurs to me - we could enhance the XSLT that is generating the XSD to use those Type annotations to create a named type.

    Also - the Rename UI tool - if someone renames a namespaced item - could prompt to automatically add that Type annotation.

    If you concur I will add these to the enhancements for upcoming release, although I am wondering if this is enough, and maybe opening up more details to be considered too?

    Thanks, David

  • tom

    tom - 2015-04-30

    Hi David,

    Thanks for the tips and I think the additional functionality sounds very (very) useful.



  • drrwebber

    drrwebber - 2015-05-01

    Tom, its in the bug tracker as enhancements now.

    Thanks, David

  • tom

    tom - 2015-05-08

    Hi David,

    I've just thought the same annotation mechanism would probably be useful for extensions.



    Last edit: tom 2015-05-08

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