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Bernhard Haumacher Georg Neugschwandtner


Calimero is not a home control application for end-users. It is a library for network access. This means that you must know your way around Java and KNX already if you want Calimero to do something for you.

To help you find out if these are skills that you should acquire, or if Calimero warrants your further attention in general, the distribution package includes application examples - see the "Tools" section below. Be aware that running them already requires a minimum knowledge of Java and KNX as well.

Regarding the design of Calimero 2, "Calimero: Next Generation" (which was presented at the KNX Scientific Conference 2007 in Duisburg) is still the best reference - even if not everything in there is still up to date.

Also, make sure you don't miss the "getting started" document in the Calimero distribution package (import from ETS is also documented there) and the Calimero 2 API documentation (online copies linked here for the benefit of Google).

There is also a wiki - you are reading it right now. Note the "Search Wiki" box and the "Browse Pages" button on the top left. The forum also has a search function.


The Calimero Tools

Several console tools are included with Calimero. They are (hopefully) perfectly useful "as-is", but they have a very important second purpose: to serve as examples for (parts of) the Calimero API and functions.

  • Discover - KNXnet/IP device discovery
  • ProcComm - basic group communication
  • NetworkMonitor - a bus monitor via KNXnet/IP Tunneling (uses the "real", passive bus monitor mode, which is not supported by all KNXnet/IP devices)
  • PropClient - scan, read and write Interface Object Properties
  • IPConfig - get/set IP properties of a KNXnet/IP router

They can be called from any shell window (e.g., java -cp "/path/to/calimero/jar-files" -s). Use the -h command line option to show tool usage.

Besides the console tools, there is also a GUI sample application. You can find more information and "getting started" info about the console tools and the GUI example in the examples readme file (also in the package).


KNX Specifications

KNX is an open specification. In the world where KNX and related technologies come from, this means that nobody can deny you access (and use) of the specification as long as you pay a specific amount of money. It does not necessarily mean "free of charge".

KNX Association has always provided the "KNX Specifications" to its members for free. Until late 2015, non-members were charged a significant fee, but since 2016, the KNX Specifications are accessible free of charge for everybody. After creating a free account on My KNX, you can order the KNX Specifications for €0 in the "Shop" section.

If you are not (yet) a developer, but looking for high-level technical information about KNX, the other KNX Association books may be more suited to what you are looking for. The KNX Association site also lists KNX/EIB related books by other authors, in various languages. In addition, you are always free to Google...

KNX technology is also published as "formal" European standards (EN). Most important here is the EN 50090 series. The KNXnet/IP (EIBnet/IP) protocol, which allows to communicate with an KNX/EIB installation by tunnelling over IP networks, is described in EN 13321-2:2006 ("Open Data Communication in Building Automation, Controls and Building Management - Home and Building Electronic Systems - Part 2: KNXnet/IP Communication"). EN 13321-2 does not describe the KNX/EIB control network specific data structures (cEMI, DPTs).

The EN documents definitely do not provide the most readable or comprehensive version of the story; also, they are not exactly cheap either. However, they are "re-published" as national standards in EU countries, and university libraries often have national standards available. If you have the opportunity, you can give it a try; don't be surprised that you cannot take the documents with you or make copies, however.

If you are studying or working at a university, you may want to get your group to join the "KNX Scientific Partnership", which includes access to the latest specifications, including amendments and drafts.


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