
Calanda / News: Recent posts


This item is for three reasons really.
1 - I would like to know what you would like improving in calanda
2 - Also, I would like to know what content you would like adding to the site (
3 - I would just like to point out that most updates regarding calanda are posted on as opposed to here, there is an RSS feed available.

If you have any suggestions then please post them in our forums on read more

Posted by Harry 2005-08-20

Calanda 0.7 released

Finally here, there are a few new features in this version included an automated install script which makes things easier.

see for more information

Posted by Harry 2005-08-09

Calanda 0.6.5 released

The first publicly available release of Calanda can now be downloaded from Hooray. If you find any problems with the packing, licensing (althought as far as I'm aware, I've done everything as I should), or Calanda itself, then don't hesitate to tell me.

Posted by Harry 2005-07-10