
Cafeterra : an Open Source EAI project / News: Recent posts

Cafeterra V3 on the way

I decided to start the dev of the third version of Cafeterra. Which will enhance the existing modules and add Workflow functionnalities.
If you are interested in this project, please particpate to the following forum And let me know your opinion and your suggestions

Posted by Abdellaziz TALEB 2004-08-17

Cafeterra 2.2.0 Installation bug

The file was truncated during the packaging. This affect only new protocol (Mail) and new drivers (POP3 and IMAP). If you have already donwloaded Cafeterra 2.2.0 you need only to download the patch 01 and reinstall ALL yours contexts. For new installations follow the instruction in the how_to_patch_or_install.txt file

Posted by Abdellaziz TALEB 2004-07-14

Cafeterra 2.2.0 released

New Features :
1 - Support of POP3 and IMAP
2 - Support of Perl Language in addition to SQL Language for Getmsg, SendMsg, SendMsgBis, AckMsg and GlobalAck
3 - Evaluate Perl script during design to see if there is any syntax error

Posted by Abdellaziz TALEB 2004-07-03

Cafeterra 2.1.1 released

In this releases we enhanced :
- Installation, upgrade and context management procedure were unified and optimized using <B>web</B> interface exclusivly.
- Object <B>Export/Import</B> utility is available throw a <B>web</B> interface
- Easiest Start and Stop of flow processe using the web interface : Enhancement of monitring user interface
- <B>Web services using SOAP</B> reengineered and retested.
- New user procedures
- Flow engine enhancement

Posted by Abdellaziz TALEB 2004-03-17

Cafeterra version 2.0.5 released

Cafeterra is an EAI engine with a Web interface for design, schedule and monitor inter-application data flows. The new release Cafeterra2.0.5 provides more comfortable install import/export interface, more connectors. The French documentation is also available in this version.

Two new drivers are provided in this version :
- DBI generic which pride access to various DBI drivers
- Directories listing : gives you access to directories content as a relational table, with many function to move, copy, rename files etc ..... read more

Posted by Abdellaziz TALEB 2003-09-13