
Seadragon Cetacean-Human Network / News: Recent posts

Chat with Dolphins on your Mac: Seadragon2dot1

Seadragon2dot1 is out. Double-click on the jar file to launch the application. Works on a Mac with Java 5 installed (free from Apple). Also works under Windows.

There are two jar files: Seadragon2dot1at10fsps.jar and Seadragon2dot1at40fsps. The first one is for 10 frequency samples per second (fsps) and the second one is for 40 fsps. If you have an older computer, you could use the one for 10 fsps and probably do fine.... read more

Posted by serge masse 2006-08-19

Seadragon 2 with new Swing GUI

Enables communication experiments with dolphins using underwater whistles. You can emit and receive whistles. You can design your own whistles and use whistles similar to dolphin whistles. Usable at sea on a laptop. Requires Java SE 5 and 2 hydrophones, one of which must be designed to emit.

The blog:

Posted by serge masse 2006-06-25

Seadragon 1.0 beta 0.9.6 released - usable at sea

Seadragon 1.0 beta 0.9.6 released - usable at sea



Here's a summary of the release notes:


- Added two new GUI entry fields in the *controls*
window (tab)

- One field is for determining if a single
frequency value matches a corresponding value in

another signal that it is being compared to for
recognition. One signal is newly acquired and the
other is from the lexicon in memory.... read more

Posted by serge masse 2005-06-11

LeafySeadragon Software Looking for Technical Users

LeafySeadragon Software Looking for Technical Users

to run a LeafySeadragon Cetacean-Human Network backbone,
including a dolphon simulator, so that people can use the network with their PC
or cellphone.

LeafySeaDragon 0.4 Cetacean-Human Network and Leafy 0.7.5 API Released by


LeafySeadragon version 0.4 is an advanced prototype, 100% Java,
peer-to-peer sending simulated Cetacean sounds over the Internet
and playing them back on an ordinary PC. ... read more

Posted by serge masse 2003-12-23

LeafySeaDragon 0.2 Cetacean Interaction Grid Released

Leafy Sea Dragon 0.2 is a proof-of-concept, 100% Java, grid prototype
sending simulated Cetacean sounds over the Internet and playing them back on an ordinary PC.
This version contains a Cetacean audio simulator
and 3 nodes working on 3 different hosts:
a Cetacean interface node (CUiNode),
a c2h converter node to convert Cetacean signals to human formats (C2hNode),
and a human interface node (HUiNode) to play and display the Cetacean signals
(and eventually to send human signals to Cetaceans).
The installation of the 3 nodes should be simple and the application detects
the readiness of nodes and possible anomalies prior to starting the simulation.
The Leafy Sea Dragon system is designed to be used
for Cetacean research and for setting up a world-wide Internet-based Cetacean listening
and two-way acoustics interaction system (human-to-cetacean and vice versa).
This version also includes a generic grid package,
org.smgridlayer0, that can be used for any type of IP-socket-based distributed application.

Posted by serge masse 2003-04-16

c2h version 0.1 beta 2 released.

The second release of the open-source software tool to study the acoustic communication of Cetaceans. This release is a proof of concept prototype that implements nodes running remotely. It also implements a Cetacean signal simulator (c-sim) used to test and measure the performance of the application. A remote node converts the voltage numbers into frequency values.

This version contains a Cetacean Application (CApp) proptotype (an application that includes a node that handles communication with cetaceans and which will eventually be using hydrophones) that generates voltages numbers in order to simulate the voltages to be received from a hydrophone (this version does not use a hydrophone). In this version, 1024 voltage samples are sent at the rate of 100 times per seconds to two other peer nodes via TCP sockets, the HUiNode and the C2hConverterNode. ... read more

Posted by serge masse 2003-01-23

c2h.0.1.beta.1 released

c2h.0.1.beta.1: the first release of the open-source software tool to study the acoustic communication of cetaceans.

This version contains a C-App proptotype (an application that includes a node that handles communication with cetaceans and which will eventually be using hydrophones) that generates voltages internally simulating the voltages to be received from hydrophones. The voltages are sent to two other peer nodes via TCP sockets, an HUiNode and a C2hConverterNode. ... read more

Posted by serge masse 2003-01-20