
BtiTracker 1.4.1 released!

Btit Tracker v.1.4.1

if you update from previous version, DON'T upload install folder and
run the query upgrade/v14_to_v141.sql for upgrading your database.


  • Installation script (thanks JBoy).


  • Admincp access by all authorized users and classes.
  • Mysql stats (admincp) use tracker style.
  • Delete comments from torrent's details.
  • possible XSS injections in forum, usercp, users.
  • problem in announce if php not compiled with bcmath support.
  • Image code in recover
  • changed password cookie.
  • All problems found on 1.4 by users.
  • Email verification when user change own email (usercp), hack by Petr1fied.

Thanks to all developers

Posted by Lupin 2007-04-29

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