
Battletech MUX / News: Recent posts

btechmux development in BitKeeper

It actually happened two years ago, but I might as well announce it 'for real' here; development of the btechmux source (by me, at least) now happens in BitKeeper ( I try to keep the sourceforge CVS tree reasonably up to date, although this week has been the first week in a while that I've had the time for it. I still accept patches as diffs against the CVS tree (accepting patches is actually a lot easier with BitKeeper) but if you want up to date source or develop a lot of your own code, I can highly recommend using the BitKeeper repository. BitKeeper allows for much better parallel development. You can fetch the btechmux BK repositories from read more

Posted by Thomas Wouters 2004-08-10

btechmux 1.4.4 released

After more than two years, a new release in the stable branch. The development branch contains lots of code by Cord Awtry, in particular MaxTech terrain and weather, and MechWarrior 3rd edition skillsets, but it isn't ready for release yet.

See the release notes and changelog of the 1.4.4 release for more information on what changed in the last two years.

Posted by Thomas Wouters 2004-08-10

btechmux 1.4.3 released

btechmux 1.4.3 released. This version contains a large number of bugfixes, especially in C3, C3i, Battlesuit and weight calculation code, as well as new (optional) part-specific cargo-weight, optional VRT and full support for HUDINFO 0.6.

I plan on making this the last big-change release in 1.4, focusing code (at least my own code) at either some architectural changes or at Aerotech2 compliant code, and calling that release 1.5.0. I will probably include other people's code and bugfixes into next 1.4.x releases, however.

Posted by Thomas Wouters 2002-02-27

HUDINFO (and website)

Tony and Arthur (fellow wizards on 3030MUX) and I wrote a little specification for a special HUDINFO command, which can be used to easily extract btech-specific info from the MUX, specifically to make it easy to write combat 'HUD's (such as Tony and Arthur are doing, themselves :)

The hudinfo command hasn't been coded yet, but I'm working on it. The specification can be found at the new Battletech MUX Project Homepage (which I wrote specifically to hold that link ;):... read more

Posted by Thomas Wouters 2002-01-23

btechmux 1.4.2 released

I just released Battletech MUX 1.4.2. It contains a number of important bugfixes for obscure but nasty crashing bugs, and player-customizable ANSIMAP colours. Definately worth upgrading :)

Posted by Thomas Wouters 2002-01-17

btechmux 1.4.1 released

I released btechmux 1.4.1, primarily because the 1.4.0 release was apparently botched somehow. It does contain some fixes, but nothing spectacular.

Posted by Thomas Wouters 2002-01-06

btechmux 1.4.0 released

Battletech MUX 1.4.0 was released. This is the first release under the new 3030MUX Artistic License and the first release after moving to SourceForge. Because of the large number of changes since previous 'public' releases of this source tree, this should be considered the 'baseline' release. Releases following this one will have proper Notes and ChangeLogs :-)

Posted by Thomas Wouters 2002-01-03

Diary started

I started a diary regarding the Battletech MUX source. It currently contains a rough outline of the Battletech universe and the history of Battletech MU*s. If you don't know what Battletech is, that's the place to start reading.

The diary can be found on my SourceForge 'personal page' just like all diaries, or by following this link:

Posted by Thomas Wouters 2002-01-03