
Brume 1.6 released !

A new version is available ! This time the new features are focused on shaders and terrain rendering.
But there are also many other additions. You will find the complete release note here :

Here is a summary of major changes :

3D Engine
- Main renderer was rewritten to support fast shader rendering

Terrain Engine
- Added support for brute force, ROAM and Geomipmapping terrain generation.
- Hardware Texture splatting & dynamic lighting with bumpmapping (HLSL shaders)
- Terrain collisions (using ODE trimesh for the moment).

Physic Engine
- Upgraded to ODE 0.8

Effect Engine
- BrumeSkyDome (using gradient shaders)
- BrumeWaterShader effect (HLSL) : uses reflection, refraction, fresnel term, animation, ...
- New Particle System (MoDDiB's contribution)

Video Engine
- Supports AVI display on texture (no sound for the moment).
- Experimental : added a video recording feature.

New Brume samples in Game.cs (remember that the demo is NOT optimized, remove unecessary features for better FPS)
PIX and NVidia PerfHUD 5 support with DirectX markers
XP and Vista support
And much more...

Ice Cube & Pipo Framework were updated.


Posted by Chris 2007-08-12

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