
#169 Inverse of a Tranformation matrix a subroutine for the pull routine/command

Nyah Check

* CodePatch: This code patch demonstrates how to determine the inverse any matrix transformation as would be applied in the pull
* routine together with a sample linked list used to keep track of the transformations on the primitive object.
Author: Nyah Check(Ch3ck)
Note: This code uses some directives defined in /include/vmath.h file. So please refer to brlcad source code.

include <stdio.h>

include "vmath.h"

/This is a sample structure that would hold the original and inverse matrices from the primitive together
with the original directory pointer.
struct pull_obj
/This determines the type of transformation which occured./
typedef enum{ROTATE, TRANSLATE, SCALE, NONE = 0}Trans;

mat_t Inv_Matrix;/*Inverse matrix*/
mat_t Or_Matrix; /*Original Matrix*/

struct pull_obj *next, *prev;
struct directory *dirptr;/*directory pointer.*/


InverseTransf(): This routine computes the Inverse of a transformation storing the results on the linked list
Precondition: a 4x4 matrix(mat_t and push_obj structure with type of transformation
Postcondition: returns 0 if successfull or 1 - otherwise
int InverseTransf(mat_t transf, struct pull_obj result)
/This matrix will hold the inverse matrix transformations./
mat_t Inverse;

MAT_IDN(Inverse); /*initializes all matrices to identity.

/*determines the type of transformation and determines the inverse.*/
if( result->Trans == ROTATE)
    MAT_TRANSPOSE(Inverse, transf);

else if (result->Trans == SCALE)
    MAT_SCALE(Inverse, 1.0/transf[MSX],1.0/transf[MSY], 1.0/transf[MSZ]);

else if( result->Trans == TRANSLATE)
    return 1;

/*copies the results to the linked list and returns to the calling function*/
MAT_COPY(result->Inv_Matrix, Inverse);
MAT_COPY(result->Or->Matrix, transf);

/*deallocates memory for matrix.*/

return 0;


* Local Variables:
* tab-width: 8
* mode: C
* indent-tabs-mode: t
* c-file-style: "stroustrup"
* End:
* ex: shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8

1 Attachments


Patches: #169


  • Sean Morrison

    Sean Morrison - 2013-06-27
    • status: open --> pending-rejected
    • assigned_to: Sean Morrison
  • Sean Morrison

    Sean Morrison - 2013-06-27

    Nyah, this is not a valid patch file. Please read up on how to make a proper patch file (or come onto IRC and ask questions) so this can be submitted properly.

  • Sean Morrison

    Sean Morrison - 2013-06-27

    Note that your attached file sources also have several issues. You do not conform to our coding style, you're missing a common header, your function parameters are poor... You use the 'result' parameter for both input and outputs. You also define an enum typedef within the struct context, but then use the enums outside that scope (bad style).

  • Nyah Check

    Nyah Check - 2013-06-28

    yeah Sean this patch I submitted before I had properly read the HACKING file. This was during the GSoC application period so I just came up with this just to demonstrate a concept; I did intend it to be implemented. But However you can check my most recent patches. They can easily be applied and tested.

  • Sean Morrison

    Sean Morrison - 2013-06-28

    Nyah, every patch is independently reviewed. What are we supposed to do with THIS patch submission?? Telling me there are others that are better completely misses this point.

    You need to do something about this one. It either needs to be corrected, closed, or commented. This needs to happen for ALL your submissions. Please re-read my mailing list posting because I'm having to repeat this information to you.

  • Nyah Check

    Nyah Check - 2013-06-28

    ok Sean i'll review the code and make sure it conforms with the coding

    On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 8:54 PM, Sean Morrison wrote:

    Nyah, every patch is independently reviewed. What are we supposed to do
    with THIS patch submission?? Telling me there are others that are better
    completely misses this point.

    You need to do something about this one. It either needs to be corrected,
    closed, or commented. This needs to happen for ALL your submissions. Please
    re-read my mailing list posting because I'm having to repeat this
    information to you.

    Status: pending-rejected
    Created: Thu Apr 25, 2013 06:48 PM UTC by Nyah Check
    Last Updated: Fri Jun 28, 2013 07:25 PM UTC
    Owner: Sean Morrison

    CodePatch: This code patch demonstrates how to determine the inverse any
    matrix transformation as would be applied in the pull
    routine together with a sample linked list used to keep track of the
    transformations on the primitive object.
    Author: Nyah Check(Ch3ck)
    Note: This code uses some directives defined in /include/vmath.h file.
    So please refer to brlcad source code.
    include include "vmath.h"

    /This is a sample structure that would hold the original and inverse
    matrices from the primitive together
    with the original directory pointer.
    struct pull_obj
    /This determines the type of transformation which occured./
    typedef enum{ROTATE, TRANSLATE, SCALE, NONE = 0}Trans;

    mat_t Inv_Matrix;/Inverse matrix/mat_t Or_Matrix; /Original Matrix/
    struct pull_obj next, prev;struct directory dirptr;/directory pointer.*/


    InverseTransf(): This routine computes the Inverse of a transformation
    storing the results on the linked list
    Precondition: a 4x4 matrix(mat_t and push_obj structure with type of
    Postcondition: returns 0 if successfull or 1 - otherwise
    int InverseTransf(mat_t transf, struct pull_obj result)
    /This matrix will hold the inverse matrix transformations./
    mat_t Inverse;

    MAT_IDN(Inverse); /initializes all matrices to identity.
    determines the type of transformation and determines the inverse./if( result->Trans == ROTATE)
    MAT_TRANSPOSE(Inverse, transf);
    else if (result->Trans == SCALE)
    MAT_SCALE(Inverse, 1.0/transf[MSX],1.0/transf[MSY], 1.0/transf[MSZ]);
    else if( result->Trans == TRANSLATE)
    return 1;
    copies the results to the linked list and returns to the calling function/MAT_COPY(result->Inv_Matrix, Inverse);MAT_COPY(result->Or->Matrix, transf);
    deallocates memory for matrix.*/bu_free(Inverse);
    return 0;


    Local Variables:
    tab-width: 8
    mode: C
    indent-tabs-mode: t
    c-file-style: "stroustrup"
    ex: shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8

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    Patches: #169

  • Nyah Check

    Nyah Check - 2013-06-28

    Sorry for the earlier comment Sean I was saying i did not intend it to be implemented in brlcad just wanted to demonstrate a concept of separating the different matrix transformations present in 4x4 transformation matrix. However I would review it tomorrow and upload a better version of the code. THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE INTEGRATED INTO BRL-CAD

  • Sean Morrison

    Sean Morrison - 2013-06-28

    Your work involves separating the different matrix transforms so a patch sounds completely reasonable. If it's not meant to be integrated, what needs to happen to make it integratable? Otherwise, it has no purpose being a patch submission either.

    Patch submissions to open source projects are -- by definition -- intentions to change the code. I'm sure you just submitted it because of needing to do something for GSoC, but that's the lesson to be learned. How can you turn this exploration into proper code? We do exploration all the time. There's no reason this cannot be a proper (and useful patch). It's a principle of coding complete that everyone needs to learn.

  • Sean Morrison

    Sean Morrison - 2013-07-16

    Nyah, what's the status of this patch submission? There's not a proper patch file to review. Are you planning on turning it into one or should this issue be closed?

  • Nyah Check

    Nyah Check - 2013-07-17

    Yes Sean this patch should be closed I created the new ticket adding
    orthogonal matrix support to the bn_mat_inverse(/src/libbn/mat.c)
    routine to replace this.

    On 7/16/13, Sean Morrison wrote:

    Nyah, what's the status of this patch submission? There's not a proper
    patch file to review. Are you planning on turning it into one or should
    this issue be closed?

    [patches:#169] Inverse of a Tranformation matrix a subroutine for the
    pull routine/command

    Status: pending-rejected
    Created: Thu Apr 25, 2013 06:48 PM UTC by Nyah Check
    Last Updated: Fri Jun 28, 2013 08:58 PM UTC
    Owner: Sean Morrison

    * CodePatch: This code patch demonstrates how to determine the inverse any
    matrix transformation as would be applied in the pull
    * routine together with a sample linked list used to keep track
    of the transformations on the primitive object.
    Author: Nyah Check(Ch3ck)
    Note: This code uses some directives defined in /include/vmath.h file. So
    please refer to brlcad source code.

    include <stdio.h>

    include "vmath.h"

    /This is a sample structure that would hold the original and inverse
    matrices from the primitive together
    with the original directory pointer.
    struct pull_obj
    /This determines the type of transformation which occured./
    typedef enum{ROTATE, TRANSLATE, SCALE, NONE = 0}Trans;

    mat_t Inv_Matrix;/Inverse matrix/
    mat_t Or_Matrix; /Original Matrix/

    struct pull_obj next, prev;
    struct directory dirptr;/directory pointer.*/

    InverseTransf(): This routine computes the Inverse of a transformation
    storing the results on the linked list
    Precondition: a 4x4 matrix(mat_t and push_obj structure with type of
    Postcondition: returns 0 if successfull or 1 - otherwise
    int InverseTransf(mat_t transf, struct pull_obj result)
    /This matrix will hold the inverse matrix transformations./
    mat_t Inverse;

    MAT_IDN(Inverse); /*initializes all matrices to identity.

    /determines the type of transformation and determines the inverse./
    if( result->Trans == ROTATE)
    MAT_TRANSPOSE(Inverse, transf);

    else if (result->Trans == SCALE)
    MAT_SCALE(Inverse, 1.0/transf[MSX],1.0/transf[MSY], 1.0/transf[MSZ]);

    else if( result->Trans == TRANSLATE)
    return 1;

    /copies the results to the linked list and returns to the calling
    MAT_COPY(result->Inv_Matrix, Inverse);
    MAT_COPY(result->Or->Matrix, transf);

    /deallocates memory for matrix./

    return 0;


    * Local Variables:
    * tab-width: 8
    * mode: C
    * indent-tabs-mode: t
    * c-file-style: "stroustrup"
    * End:
    * ex: shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8

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    Patches: #169

  • Nyah Check

    Nyah Check - 2013-07-17

    which is ticket 190

    On 7/17/13, Nyah Check wrote:

    Yes Sean this patch should be closed I created the new ticket adding
    orthogonal matrix support to the bn_mat_inverse(/src/libbn/mat.c)
    routine to replace this.

    On 7/16/13, Sean Morrison wrote:

    Nyah, what's the status of this patch submission? There's not a proper
    patch file to review. Are you planning on turning it into one or should
    this issue be closed?

    [patches:#169] Inverse of a Tranformation matrix a subroutine for the
    pull routine/command

    Status: pending-rejected
    Created: Thu Apr 25, 2013 06:48 PM UTC by Nyah Check
    Last Updated: Fri Jun 28, 2013 08:58 PM UTC
    Owner: Sean Morrison

    * CodePatch: This code patch demonstrates how to determine the inverse
    matrix transformation as would be applied in the pull
    * routine together with a sample linked list used to keep
    of the transformations on the primitive object.
    Author: Nyah Check(Ch3ck)
    Note: This code uses some directives defined in /include/vmath.h file.
    please refer to brlcad source code.

    include <stdio.h>

    include "vmath.h"

    /This is a sample structure that would hold the original and inverse
    matrices from the primitive together
    with the original directory pointer.
    struct pull_obj
    /This determines the type of transformation which occured./
    typedef enum{ROTATE, TRANSLATE, SCALE, NONE = 0}Trans;

    mat_t Inv_Matrix;/Inverse matrix/
    mat_t Or_Matrix; /Original Matrix/

    struct pull_obj next, prev;
    struct directory dirptr;/directory pointer.*/

    InverseTransf(): This routine computes the Inverse of a transformation
    storing the results on the linked list
    Precondition: a 4x4 matrix(mat_t and push_obj structure with type of
    Postcondition: returns 0 if successfull or 1 - otherwise
    int InverseTransf(mat_t transf, struct pull_obj result)
    /This matrix will hold the inverse matrix transformations./
    mat_t Inverse;

    MAT_IDN(Inverse); /*initializes all matrices to identity.

    /determines the type of transformation and determines the inverse./
    if( result->Trans == ROTATE)
    MAT_TRANSPOSE(Inverse, transf);

    else if (result->Trans == SCALE)
    MAT_SCALE(Inverse, 1.0/transf[MSX],1.0/transf[MSY], 1.0/transf[MSZ]);

    else if( result->Trans == TRANSLATE)
    return 1;

    /copies the results to the linked list and returns to the calling
    MAT_COPY(result->Inv_Matrix, Inverse);
    MAT_COPY(result->Or->Matrix, transf);

    /deallocates memory for matrix./

    return 0;


    * Local Variables:
    * tab-width: 8
    * mode: C
    * indent-tabs-mode: t
    * c-file-style: "stroustrup"
    * End:
    * ex: shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8

    Sent from because you indicated interest in

    To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

    [patches:#169] Inverse of a Tranformation matrix a subroutine for the
    pull routine/command

    Status: pending-rejected
    Created: Thu Apr 25, 2013 06:48 PM UTC by Nyah Check
    Last Updated: Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:28 PM UTC
    Owner: Sean Morrison

    * CodePatch: This code patch demonstrates how to determine the inverse any
    matrix transformation as would be applied in the pull
    * routine together with a sample linked list used to keep track
    of the transformations on the primitive object.
    Author: Nyah Check(Ch3ck)
    Note: This code uses some directives defined in /include/vmath.h file. So
    please refer to brlcad source code.

    include <stdio.h>

    include "vmath.h"

    /This is a sample structure that would hold the original and inverse
    matrices from the primitive together
    with the original directory pointer.
    struct pull_obj
    /This determines the type of transformation which occured./
    typedef enum{ROTATE, TRANSLATE, SCALE, NONE = 0}Trans;

    mat_t Inv_Matrix;/Inverse matrix/
    mat_t Or_Matrix; /Original Matrix/

    struct pull_obj next, prev;
    struct directory dirptr;/directory pointer.*/

    InverseTransf(): This routine computes the Inverse of a transformation
    storing the results on the linked list
    Precondition: a 4x4 matrix(mat_t and push_obj structure with type of
    Postcondition: returns 0 if successfull or 1 - otherwise
    int InverseTransf(mat_t transf, struct pull_obj result)
    /This matrix will hold the inverse matrix transformations./
    mat_t Inverse;

    MAT_IDN(Inverse); /*initializes all matrices to identity.

    /determines the type of transformation and determines the inverse./
    if( result->Trans == ROTATE)
    MAT_TRANSPOSE(Inverse, transf);

    else if (result->Trans == SCALE)
    MAT_SCALE(Inverse, 1.0/transf[MSX],1.0/transf[MSY], 1.0/transf[MSZ]);

    else if( result->Trans == TRANSLATE)
    return 1;

    /copies the results to the linked list and returns to the calling
    MAT_COPY(result->Inv_Matrix, Inverse);
    MAT_COPY(result->Or->Matrix, transf);

    /deallocates memory for matrix./

    return 0;


    * Local Variables:
    * tab-width: 8
    * mode: C
    * indent-tabs-mode: t
    * c-file-style: "stroustrup"
    * End:
    * ex: shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8

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    Patches: #169

  • Nyah Check

    Nyah Check - 2013-07-17

    At the time I had no idea BRL-CAD had an implementation of the Inverse
    of a matrix routine. So I added the orthogonal matrix support to
    ticket 190. which replaces this.

    On 7/17/13, Nyah Check wrote:

    which is ticket 190

    On 7/17/13, Nyah Check wrote:

    Yes Sean this patch should be closed I created the new ticket adding
    orthogonal matrix support to the bn_mat_inverse(/src/libbn/mat.c)
    routine to replace this.

    On 7/16/13, Sean Morrison wrote:

    Nyah, what's the status of this patch submission? There's not a proper
    patch file to review. Are you planning on turning it into one or should
    this issue be closed?

    [patches:#169] Inverse of a Tranformation matrix a subroutine for the
    pull routine/command

    Status: pending-rejected
    Created: Thu Apr 25, 2013 06:48 PM UTC by Nyah Check
    Last Updated: Fri Jun 28, 2013 08:58 PM UTC
    Owner: Sean Morrison

    * CodePatch: This code patch demonstrates how to determine the inverse
    matrix transformation as would be applied in the pull
    * routine together with a sample linked list used to keep
    of the transformations on the primitive object.
    Author: Nyah Check(Ch3ck)
    Note: This code uses some directives defined in /include/vmath.h file.
    please refer to brlcad source code.

    include <stdio.h>

    include "vmath.h"

    /This is a sample structure that would hold the original and inverse
    matrices from the primitive together
    with the original directory pointer.
    struct pull_obj
    /This determines the type of transformation which occured./
    typedef enum{ROTATE, TRANSLATE, SCALE, NONE = 0}Trans;

    mat_t Inv_Matrix;/*Inverse matrix*/
    mat_t Or_Matrix; /*Original Matrix*/
    struct pull_obj *next, *prev;
    struct directory *dirptr;/*directory pointer.*/


    InverseTransf(): This routine computes the Inverse of a transformation
    storing the results on the linked list
    Precondition: a 4x4 matrix(mat_t and push_obj structure with type of
    Postcondition: returns 0 if successfull or 1 - otherwise
    int InverseTransf(mat_t transf, struct pull_obj result)
    /This matrix will hold the inverse matrix transformations./
    mat_t Inverse;

    MAT_IDN(Inverse); /*initializes all matrices to identity.
    /*determines the type of transformation and determines the inverse.*/
    if( result->Trans == ROTATE)
        MAT_TRANSPOSE(Inverse, transf);
    else if (result->Trans == SCALE)
        MAT_SCALE(Inverse, 1.0/transf[MSX],1.0/transf[MSY], 1.0/transf[MSZ]);
    else if( result->Trans == TRANSLATE)
        return 1;
    /*copies the results to the linked list and returns to the calling

    MAT_COPY(result->Inv_Matrix, Inverse);
    MAT_COPY(result->Or->Matrix, transf);

    /*deallocates memory for matrix.*/
    return 0;


    * Local Variables:
    * tab-width: 8
    * mode: C
    * indent-tabs-mode: t
    * c-file-style: "stroustrup"
    * End:
    * ex: shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8

    Sent from because you indicated interest in

    To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

    [patches:#169] Inverse of a Tranformation matrix a subroutine for the
    pull routine/command

    Status: pending-rejected
    Created: Thu Apr 25, 2013 06:48 PM UTC by Nyah Check
    Last Updated: Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:28 PM UTC
    Owner: Sean Morrison

    * CodePatch: This code patch demonstrates how to determine the inverse
    matrix transformation as would be applied in the pull
    * routine together with a sample linked list used to keep
    of the transformations on the primitive object.
    Author: Nyah Check(Ch3ck)
    Note: This code uses some directives defined in /include/vmath.h file.
    please refer to brlcad source code.

    include <stdio.h>

    include "vmath.h"

    /This is a sample structure that would hold the original and inverse
    matrices from the primitive together
    with the original directory pointer.
    struct pull_obj
    /This determines the type of transformation which occured./
    typedef enum{ROTATE, TRANSLATE, SCALE, NONE = 0}Trans;

    mat_t Inv_Matrix;/Inverse matrix/
    mat_t Or_Matrix; /Original Matrix/

    struct pull_obj next, prev;
    struct directory dirptr;/directory pointer.*/

    InverseTransf(): This routine computes the Inverse of a transformation
    storing the results on the linked list
    Precondition: a 4x4 matrix(mat_t and push_obj structure with type of
    Postcondition: returns 0 if successfull or 1 - otherwise
    int InverseTransf(mat_t transf, struct pull_obj result)
    /This matrix will hold the inverse matrix transformations./
    mat_t Inverse;

    MAT_IDN(Inverse); /*initializes all matrices to identity.

    /determines the type of transformation and determines the inverse./
    if( result->Trans == ROTATE)
    MAT_TRANSPOSE(Inverse, transf);

    else if (result->Trans == SCALE)
    MAT_SCALE(Inverse, 1.0/transf[MSX],1.0/transf[MSY], 1.0/transf[MSZ]);

    else if( result->Trans == TRANSLATE)
    return 1;

    /copies the results to the linked list and returns to the calling
    MAT_COPY(result->Inv_Matrix, Inverse);
    MAT_COPY(result->Or->Matrix, transf);

    /deallocates memory for matrix./

    return 0;


    * Local Variables:
    * tab-width: 8
    * mode: C
    * indent-tabs-mode: t
    * c-file-style: "stroustrup"
    * End:
    * ex: shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8

    Sent from because you indicated interest in

    To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

    [patches:#169] Inverse of a Tranformation matrix a subroutine for the
    pull routine/command

    Status: pending-rejected
    Created: Thu Apr 25, 2013 06:48 PM UTC by Nyah Check
    Last Updated: Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:28 PM UTC
    Owner: Sean Morrison

    * CodePatch: This code patch demonstrates how to determine the inverse any
    matrix transformation as would be applied in the pull
    * routine together with a sample linked list used to keep track
    of the transformations on the primitive object.
    Author: Nyah Check(Ch3ck)
    Note: This code uses some directives defined in /include/vmath.h file. So
    please refer to brlcad source code.

    include <stdio.h>

    include "vmath.h"

    /This is a sample structure that would hold the original and inverse
    matrices from the primitive together
    with the original directory pointer.
    struct pull_obj
    /This determines the type of transformation which occured./
    typedef enum{ROTATE, TRANSLATE, SCALE, NONE = 0}Trans;

    mat_t Inv_Matrix;/Inverse matrix/
    mat_t Or_Matrix; /Original Matrix/

    struct pull_obj next, prev;
    struct directory dirptr;/directory pointer.*/

    InverseTransf(): This routine computes the Inverse of a transformation
    storing the results on the linked list
    Precondition: a 4x4 matrix(mat_t and push_obj structure with type of
    Postcondition: returns 0 if successfull or 1 - otherwise
    int InverseTransf(mat_t transf, struct pull_obj result)
    /This matrix will hold the inverse matrix transformations./
    mat_t Inverse;

    MAT_IDN(Inverse); /*initializes all matrices to identity.

    /determines the type of transformation and determines the inverse./
    if( result->Trans == ROTATE)
    MAT_TRANSPOSE(Inverse, transf);

    else if (result->Trans == SCALE)
    MAT_SCALE(Inverse, 1.0/transf[MSX],1.0/transf[MSY], 1.0/transf[MSZ]);

    else if( result->Trans == TRANSLATE)
    return 1;

    /copies the results to the linked list and returns to the calling
    MAT_COPY(result->Inv_Matrix, Inverse);
    MAT_COPY(result->Or->Matrix, transf);

    /deallocates memory for matrix./

    return 0;


    * Local Variables:
    * tab-width: 8
    * mode: C
    * indent-tabs-mode: t
    * c-file-style: "stroustrup"
    * End:
    * ex: shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8

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    Patches: #169

  • Sean Morrison

    Sean Morrison - 2013-07-17
    • status: pending-rejected --> closed-out-of-date

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