
Cached Remote Board Title Search - Perl / News: Recent posts

Version 2.6 released

as promised, mainly to fix the problems with thread IDs above 10xxxxxxx.

Posted by boneyard 2008-09-25

indexing again

started the indexing again and made some small (mainly html code) changes.

one small code change which might lead to a new release in the near future.

Posted by boneyard 2008-09-21

Version 2.5 released

it took over 3 years, but finally a new version has been released. changes include partial matching, author search and handling the current vn board html code. for further information check the changelog.

Posted by boneyard 2005-11-24

Caching BoardsSearch still lives

the data files are getting updated again and hopefully soon new source files will be availble reflecting the changes to the vn boards.

Posted by boneyard 2004-09-21

Welcome Jamyn (Virindi_Observer)!

Jamyn has expressed interest in helping with boardsearch, w00t! He is busy with other projects right now, but has already given several great suggestions.

Posted by Rowley Shaw 2002-04-03

Version 2.0 released!! Finally . . .

Tons of cool features in the latest release, including date filtered searching. Several bug fixes as well.

Posted by Rowley Shaw 2002-04-03