
Blacklight 2 released!

I am proud to announce the release of Blacklight 2! This release adds audio transcoding and an exciting plugin framework for extending Blacklight's audio and video input capabilities, as well as managing the media after it goes onto the Walkman. Blacklight 2 also has a more responsive, informative, and nicer-looking interface.

There is potential for later versions of Blacklight to support photos - the ground work has already been laid.

I'd also pleased to be able to tell you that not only is there an easy-to-install source package, but also a Debian package. This works on all architectures (but Blacklight will probably NOT work very well on PowerPC due to issues with the video encoding backend).

Also expect a release of the DVD rip plugin soon.

If you find any bugs or problems with Blacklight 2.0, please submit them to the bug tracker.

Blacklight 2.0 is dedicated to Sony, for producing a great iPod alternative that works with Linux. Thank you for your interest in Blacklight.

Posted by Chris Lees (Blacklight Main Dev) 2007-11-29

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