
#105 New fields: references within an article, relevance, read...


Hi Pierre.

Thanks again for providing Bibus - it's a great tool. I looked at switching to Mendeley recently but have decided to stick with Bibus, as Mendeley isn't open source and lacks some of the nicer Bibus features (in particular hierarchical tags and the relative file path storage).

However, it would be good to see a few additional fields. I'd love to have:
+ A field for the relevance of a paper to my work. Could be on a 1-5 scale, perhaps with a star rating shown in the GUI?
+ A field indicating if I've read or reviewed a paper. Mendeley has an 'unread' field which is set for new references and then cleared when you open them. I don't entirely like this - I'd prefer something I could set manually, perhaps a percentage indicating how fully I fell I've read a reference.

I've used custom fields to do these in the past, but I'm a bit short of custom fields and I think these are contenders to be added for the benefit of all users.

Another feature I would love to see is the ability to store the references a given article has within Bibus. Mendeley has a panel for this - clicking on an article lets you view/edit the references cited within it. However, this just seems to be stored as text in Mendeley which seems redundant. It would be much better to simply relate citations in a paper to other entries in the Bibus database. For me it's quite important to understand who is citing who within a field, and I'd love to be able to extract this data from the articles, get it into the database and work with it. I've added an additional table to my mysql bibus database which I'm maintaining manually. I think it would be great to include an interface for this within Bibus. Pierre, is this something that would be of interest?

I'd be interested in helping with the above, although my python is a little ropey!

Thanks again, and best regards,


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