
Bible SuperSearch / News: Recent posts

Beta API Released, Update on Version 4.0 Work

We are excited to announce the beta release of a webservice API for Bible SuperSearch.

We have been working to completely rebuild the software from the ground up into modern PHP and JavaScript frameworks.

This API is the first release of this work. The API has been built using the Laravel framework, and has most, if not all, of the current (v 2.2) functionality. It also features a fully optimized verse proximity search algorithm. The future 4.0 release will incorporate unreleased v3.0 (“Bible SuperSearch Pro”) functionality, along with completely new features.... read more

Posted by AIC Web Design 2017-03-25

Announcing Bible SuperSearch 3.0

We are pleased to announce the beginning of development of Bible SuperSearch version 3.0. This is still in the planning stages, but will include all of the functionality of the current (2.2) release and most of the features of the unreleased 'Pro' version.

This will be a complete rebuild and rewrite of the software from the database up, with full optimization. It will be built as a webservice API, with plugins for Drupal, Joomla, WordPress and other popular content management systems. As now, it will also be able to be ran on a generic website. Building it as a webservice will allow for much easier installation, and will also allow developers to develop their own user interfaces for the software. The software for the webservice API will also be released, so that websites can run their own webservice if they want, and not have to depend on ours.... read more

Posted by AIC Web Design 2015-03-22

Bible SuperSearch 2.2.00 Released.

This release adds the functionality to allow Bible SuperSearch to be used as a WordPress plugin.

This adds a WordPress shortcode [biblesupersearch_legacy]. This shortcode takes the following arguments:
+ interface: Bible SuperSearch interface to display (default: user_friendly2)
+ iframe_id: 'id' attribute of the iframe tag. Must be unique. Don't change this if you don't know what you're doing.

Posted by AIC Web Design 2015-03-14

Bible SuperSearch 2.1.45 Released

All users are urged to apply this update, as a serious security issue has been discovered and fixed.

In addition, several bugs were fixed, and mysql deprecation errors have been hidden when running in PHP 5.5+. A future release will switch to a non-deprecated mysql extension.

Posted by AIC Web Design 2013-09-11

Bible SuperSearch 2.1.00 Released

Bible SuperSearch 2.1.00 has been released.
This new release features several improvements and bug fixes, including:

- A new authentication system for installer. The installer should now work on more servers. (Many were having trouble with the installer.)
- The system can now handle large Bibles that require more than 3 module files.
- Highlighting revised to handle quotes in the text.
- Issues with the advanced search page and Internet Explorer/Firefox for Windows resolved
- New Bible modules:
+ Thai KJV
+ Spanish Reina Valera 1858 NT
+ Textus Receptus - Parsed
- Other minor bug fixes
- Fixed <div> tag imbalance that may disrupt some website's formatting.
- Issues with using period in references.
- Internet Explorer and Firefox for Windows format issues
- Random Chapter/Verse now works for user_friendly2 interface
- Proximity/Chapter search with only one word now works, acts as a basic search
- Fixed bugs in the Bible search tester.... read more

Posted by AIC Web Design 2008-07-12

Patch 2.0.73 Released, full release coming soon

This patch fixes a <div> tag imbalance that may have disrupted user's site formatting. Also fixed are issues related to formatting using Internet Explorer, and Firefox for Windows, and some other minor bugs. A full release is coming in the next week or so.

To use this patch, just upload it to your website, and overwrite the existing files.

Posted by AIC Web Design 2008-07-02

Integrate Bible SuperSearch with vBulletin

If you are using vBulletin forum software, or desire to in the future, a user has written a how-to for integrating Bible SuperSearch into the forum.

See this link for details:

Posted by AIC Web Design 2008-06-02

False negative in Bible tester resolved

An issue preventing the Bible tester from working has been resolved in the latest release. This release is only available as a patch.

This issue resulted in the tester giving a false negative for every test, even when the Bibles are installed properly and the Bible search is working.

Download Patch 2.0.71 if this is an issue for you. (If the Bible search is working properly, you don't need to apply this patch.)

Posted by AIC Web Design 2008-04-12

Bible SuperSearch 2.0.70 Released

A new version of Bible SuperSearch has been released. 2.0.70 includes a completely new, much faster proximity search algorithm. Also added as an extension of the proximity search is the capability to search for all words, within a chapter. (All words must be in the same chapter, but not necessarily in the same verse.)

Also in this release are many bug fixes, especially in the passage lookup syntax, and a revised user guide. ... read more

Posted by AIC Web Design 2008-03-28

Revised Bible Modules Released

The Bible modules have been revised for better functionality with installation using PHPMyAdmin. Most of them now should work properly when using this alternate method of installation.

These revised modules can be found in the "All Bibles 0.6" package, and in the Bible SuperSearch release 2.0.60. These new modules are the only change in this package; if you have had no problems installing the software, you do not need to upgrade. Hence, no patch is necessary for this upgrade. For convenience, the 2.0.49 patch has been relabeled as version 2.0.60.

Posted by AIC Web Design 2008-01-24

Bible SuperSearch 2.0.49 Released

Several bugs have been fixed since 2.0.40.

Also, as of this release, the gzipped tarbals have been discontinued for most releases.

Posted by AIC Web Design 2007-10-28

Bible SuperSearch 2.0.40 Released

Bible SuperSearch 2.0.40 has been released.

This release is highly recommended for those who have less than 4 Bibles installed on their system, and use the standard interface.

New features included with this include "Accordion Bible List" in certain interfaces. This automatically shrinks or expands the number of parallel Bible drop down menus depending on the number of Bibles installed on your system. If only one Bible is installed, just the name of the Bible is displayed. If 2 or 3 are installed, 2 or 3 menus are given. If 4 or more are installed, 4 menus are given. (Parallel Bible has a maximum of 4 Bibles.) The Accordian Bible List is avalable on the "User Friendly" interface series, and the "Advanced" interface.... read more

Posted by AIC Web Design 2007-08-18

Bible SuperSearch 2.0.00 Released

New Major Release of Bible SuperSearch. Version 2.0.00 is now officially released.

New Features include:
Parallel Bible - look up and search in up to 4 different versions
User-friendly, improved interface
More interfaces to choose from
Advanced search interface
Text size/font options
Proximity search - find words within 5 verses, or N verses
Easy to use HTML help
Easy configuration of interfaces and other options in Installation Manager
Remote Module Installation - allows installing Bibles without having to upload them to your server (Please note, this feature is experimental). ... read more

Posted by AIC Web Design 2007-06-28

Bible SuperSearch 1.9.98 Released

Bible SuperSearch 1.9.98 fixed a major bug with custom search limitation. The bug would only allow searching of the first reference entered.

Bible SuperSearch 2.0 is coming along slowly. The final release may need to be delayed, but hopefully not.

Posted by AIC Web Design 2007-06-16

Bible SuperSearch 2.0 BETA (1.9.95) Released

The beta version of the upcoming Bible SuperSearch 2.0 has been released. Although this is a beta release, I reccommend this release above all previous ones. The software is 99% complete, and full of new features.

When 2.0 is released, a patch will also be released allowing quick upgrade from this beta version to eliminate any bugs that may remain.

Please help us polish up this release by reporting any bugs you encounter. Email them to read more

Posted by AIC Web Design 2007-05-11

Bible SuperSearch 2.0 Release Schedule

The tentative release schedule for Bible SuperSearch 2.0 is given below.

Earliest Latest
2.0 beta release 05-12 06-01
2.0 final release 06-14 07-01

Between the beta and final releases there will be at least one month for community testing. The software will be running on the Bible SuperSearch website, at the time of the beta release.

New features in this upcoming major release include:
- Parallel Bible - look up and search in up to 4 different versions
- User-frendly, improved interface
- More interfaces to choose from
- Advanced search interface
- Text size/font options
- Proximity search - find words within 5 verses, or N verses
- HTML help (replacing the PDF help)
- Easy configuration in Installation Manager
- Remote Installation - allows installing Bibles without having to upload them to your server (experimental)

Posted by AIC Web Design 2007-04-21

More Bible Modules Released

Several new Bible Modules have been released.

Bibles now available include:

Authorized King James Version
Reina Valera 1602 (Spanish)
Reina Valera 1909 (Spanish)
Sagradas Escrituras 1569 (Spanish)
Luther 1545 (German)
Martin 1744 (French)
La Bible de l'Épée (2005) (French)
Diodati 1649 (Italian)
Synodal 1876 (Russian)
Cornilescu (Romanian)
Smith Van Dyke (Arabic)
Karoli (Hungarian)
Staten Vertaling (Dutch) ... read more

Posted by AIC Web Design 2007-02-13

Bible SuperSearch 1.6.3 Released

Bible SuperSearch 1.6.30 has been released.

Many more Bible modules avaible.

While this is only a minor update to the program itself, it includes support for the new Bible modules.

Bible modules include:

Authorized King James Version
Reina Valera 1602 (Spanish)
Reina Valera 1909 (Spanish)
Sagradas Escrituras 1569 (Spanish)
Luther 1545 (German)
Martin 1744 (French)
La Bible de l'Épée (2005) (French)
Diodati 1649 (Italian)
Synodal 1876 (Russian)
Cornilescu (Romanian)
Smith Van Dyke (Arabic)
Karoli (Hungarian)
Staten Vertaling (Dutch)... read more

Posted by AIC Web Design 2007-02-10

Bible SuperSearch 1.6 Released

Bible SuperSearch 1.6.00 has been released.

In the spirit of "release early, release often," this new mini-release is the next step towards Bible SuperSearch 2.0 (planned release date: Late Summer 2007).

This release introduces paginated search results. Previously, all results were displayed on the same page. Now, only 20 per page are displayed. The option of showing all results at once is maintained, however.... read more

Posted by AIC Web Design 2007-01-13

Revised Bible Modules Released

Revised Bible Modules Released

Revised versions of the four Bible modules have been released. These have fixed typos in the text, as well as provided support for older systems and older versions of MySQL.

Posted by AIC Web Design 2007-01-08

Bible SuperSearch Examples

Bible SuperSearch Examples

I have just posted a new page on the project website for "examples" of Bible SuperSearch installations. This gives others a perspective of how the script could look on their websites.

If you have installed Bible SuperSearch on your website, please add yourself to this list. This is especially important if you have made major changes to it to incorporate into your website. This way, others will see how they can incorporate it themselves.... read more

Posted by AIC Web Design 2007-01-06

Have you installed Bible SuperSearch?

Have you installed Bible SuperSearch on your website? If so, I would like to ask a couple things of you:

1. What is the URL of your implementation of Bible SuperSearch? I would like this to post on a webpage for such implementations. It would help your site get hits as well.

2. What comments/suggestions/complaints do you have about Bible SuperSearch, if any. Especially , what other features do you think would be useful.... read more

Posted by AIC Web Design 2006-12-19

Bible SuperSearch 1.5.50 released

Bible SuperSearch 1.5.50 has been released.

This release increases support for older systems and older versions of MySQL. Some minor bugs are also fixed.

Version 1.6 will be released in early January. This version will have several new features, including a more relaxed verse lookup syntax, and paginated search results.

Posted by AIC Web Design 2006-12-19

PHP 4 now supported

The newest release of Bible SuperSearch 1.5, 1.5.07, is functional in both PHP 4 (>= 4.0.5) and PHP 5.

To upgrade, apply the patch ""

If you have been using 1.5.0x without any difficulty, you need not apply this fix.

Posted by AIC Web Design 2006-11-06

Bible SuperSearch 1.5.03 Released

November 1, 2006

This update fixes an encoding error in version 1.5.00, which caused Spanish and German text to be displayed incorrectly. A minor bug with Boolean searching was also fixed.

If you downloaded version 1.5.00, it is highly recommended that you apply the patch patch1.5.03 if you want foreign language text to display properly

Below is the original news article describing the new features of Bible SuperSearch 1.5:... read more

Posted by AIC Web Design 2006-11-01