
Sports Scores Tools for Watson / News: Recent posts

Football Scores updates - 1.1.2

They've been out for a while, including better team stats and standings. Also, they support the playoffs now, so feel free to grab the tool and give it a spin.


Posted by Sujal Shah 2003-01-15

Football Scores Tool 1.0 Released!

I've released the Football Scores tool to the folks at Karelia. It should appear via the "Install More Tools" menu item in Watson in a few days. I hope everyone enjoys the new tool. As always, feedback is welcome.


Posted by Sujal Shah 2002-10-07

BaseballScores 1.2 released

A new version of BaseballScores has been released. Sorry about the delay (life and then a broken iBook slowed things down).

There are a number of new features:

1. There are now configurable settings. Click "Show Settings" in the Tool menu.

2. Favorite Team functionality - You can now select your favorite team from a drop-down and have the game with your team highlighted in the scoreboard table.... read more

Posted by Sujal Shah 2002-07-05

BaseballScores Tool update on hold for a while

Hi everyone,

I was actually on schedule to release the updated BaseballScores tool sometime this coming week, but it's now going to have to wait until at least the week after. My iBook decided that it had enough of coding until 6 AM yesterday and refused to start up when I got to work this morning.

So, it's on it's way back to apple.

I have access to another mac at work, and will try to put out a new version sooner, if possible.... read more

Posted by Sujal Shah 2002-06-29

Baseball Scores 1.1 released

This release incorporates a number of user suggestions (see the feature request tracker for details), a few minor bug fixes, and some UI improvements. Details:

- highlight winner
- fix minor array bound problems
- split detail tables into two detail tables
- add a standings tab
- add a glossary to the "Open in Browser" menu
- fix sizing of the detail tables
- minor cleanups (logging, mostly)... read more

Posted by Sujal Shah 2002-06-18