
BasiliX / News: Recent posts

BasiliX-1.1.1 Released

Firstly, apologies that this has taken so long, especially as it is mainly only a maintainance release. Due to circumstances beyond my control I was left without internet access for the last 2 weeks. Anyway here it is.

This release fixes a few bugs in the message search and some attatchment and security related fixes submitted by Christofer Algotsson as well as some cosmetic changes. From docs/NEWS:... read more

Posted by Mike Peters 2003-11-18

New Mailing List

I've set up a new mailing list for the project. The list is at and can be subscribed to from the Lists section of the project page.

Posted by Mike Peters 2003-10-28

cvs up to date

The cvs repository finally contains the current version of BasiliX ie BasiliX development is now officially underway once again.

Posted by Mike Peters 2003-10-25

BasiliX Mail Gateway under new management

BasiliX is once again under active developement. Over the last couple of weeks, with the help of Murat, I have been working to get the BasiliX project moving again. I have been woking to get the Sourceforge project page up to date and have re-vamped the website - A CVS branch will be set up shortly. Hopefully, this will see the start of a new productive development cycle.
Mike Peters

Posted by Mike Peters 2003-10-14