

Paolo Stivanin


Bash Password Manager is a script that create a database in which you can store your passwords in a total secure way!

The database is double encrypted with GPG and OpenSSL so you can be sure that nobody can hack/view/compromise your database without your permission :)


  • bash : v4.0 and above (may work with v3 but not tested)
  • yad : message dialogs
  • gpg : to encrypt/decrypt db
  • openssl: to encrypt/decrypt db
  • wget : to download newest Bash PWD Manager version
  • sqlite3: to store your username and passwords

How it works

The script will create and encrypt the DB (sqlite3 db).

After that you can add, delete, view or store new passwords.

This script has lot of features such:

  • double encryption (ATTENTION: if you use double encryption you must respect the order of the 2 passwords)
  • possibility to choose your favourite cipher-algo (aes256, blowfish, twofish, ecc)
  • possibility to generate strong random password
  • possibility to add, view, delete or change password
  • lot of customization are possible (see Extra Options)

How to use

Go to Applications -> Accessories -> BashPWDman


Open a terminal and type: bashpwdm [OPTIONS]

How to install

Download the archive and after you have extract it, open the terminal and type:



Extra options

Open the terminal and type:

  • bashpwdm --version or bashpwdm -v
    -> to view the version of Bash PWD Manager
  • bashpwdm --change-algo or bashpwdm -c
    -> to change the cipher-algo of db
  • bashpwdm --generate-pwd or bashpwdm -p
    -> to create a strong password
  • bashpwdm --change-dir or bashpwdm -d
    -> to change db directory (if you have saved it)
  • bashpwdm --change-name or bashpwdm -n
    -> to change db name (if you have saved it)
  • bashpwdm --update or bashpwdm -u
    -> to automatically update Bash PWD Manager to lastest version
  • bashpwdm --uninstall
    -> to uninstall Bash PWD Manager


For more information see: