
Tree [79ac14] default tip /

Read Only access

File Date Author Commit
 barware 2011-09-30 tomduff tomduff [79ac14] We don't need the CI user guide in our distribu...
 barware-OLD 2011-02-10 tomduff tomduff [fc7143] Moved some stuff around, edited the readme file...
 db-install 2011-02-10 tomduff tomduff [fc7143] Moved some stuff around, edited the readme file...
 AUTHORS 2011-02-10 tomduff tomduff [fc7143] Moved some stuff around, edited the readme file...
 LICENSE 2011-02-10 tomduff tomduff [fc7143] Moved some stuff around, edited the readme file...
 README 2011-02-10 tomduff tomduff [fc7143] Moved some stuff around, edited the readme file...

Read Me

Please be aware that BarWare may contain bugs.

Running BarWare.sql drops several tables.
Make sure that those tables don't already exist
if you are using an existing database.

BarWare requires MySQL and PHP.

1.) Download the most recent version of BarWare from the project site.

2.) Un-Tarball/gunzip the software archive.
  tar -xzvf barware-[].tar.gz

3.) Move the barware directory into your web server documents directory.
  cd barware/ 
  cp -a barware/ /home/httpd/htdocs/ (your doc directory may differ)

4.) Run the SQL file in the db-install directory.
  cd db-install/
  mysql -u username -ppassword barware_db < BarWare.sql

Configure the variables in application/config/database.php and you're ready to go.
  cd /home/httpd/htdocs/application/config
  nano database.php

*****  The default account is user: admin / pass: changeme  *****

Go to the BarWare project page at for support and bug reporting.