
AzurVedaLib Context Manager / News: Recent posts

AzurVeda Second Release with Corrections and new Features

We are happy to announce the second release of the AzurVeda framework, with a new UVeda application for windows.
A lot of things were corrected about the installation, and you will find a lot of new features:

- Now classes are auto-documented: press the '?' button on UVeda's object editors to know everything about a class.

- VedaLibMath now implement a new "Equation By List" class that allows you to edit your equation, and then use them to generate sound, image, 3D objects...... read more

Posted by Vic  Ferry aka Krabob 2007-03-27

AzurVeda First Release with UVeda DemoTool out !

We are happy to announce the first release of the AzurVeda source package, which also comes with UVeda, an executable generator built upon AzurVeda. This application is a MFC GUI for windows, but it generates binaries for windows and dreamcast at the moment. Other GUI applications may come, and other platforms will be supported

Posted by Vic  Ferry aka Krabob 2007-02-28

Official Website with developper docs now online !

Great ! Today was upload the first version of the AzurVedaLib Web Site, of course hosted by SourceForge. You will find an explaination of all the features there, and even some example codes from the project, and a page to browse all LGPL/GPL classes, sorted by theme. Note that most of this site were generated from the source header comments, with the doxygen documentation project you will find in the workspace ! Soon a disk-based version will be available for download

Posted by Vic  Ferry aka Krabob 2007-01-21

AzurVedaLib, Now on Subversion source control

From now on, AzurVedaLib use the Subversion repository provided by sourceforge ! The CVS side is declared obsolete.

Posted by Vic  Ferry aka Krabob 2007-01-20