
AxBase / News: Recent posts

Styles for next version

Styles (with XE2 VCL Styles) will be added in the next version. Yet available in Mercurial.

Posted by philnext 2012-04-02

Version 1.1 released

New version, Delphi 7 to Delphi XE2 (pro) compatible. No need for external library.

Posted by philnext 2012-01-04

New code in Mercurial

The last code is in Code available with Mercurial.
Now the code is JCL/JVCL independant and D7 (and may be previous) to XE2 (Unicode) compatible. Needs Delphi Pro versions.

Posted by philnext 2011-12-14

Version 1.0.1 (planned for 2012/01)

Now code is available with Mercurial ( for the next 1.0.1 version, where JCL/JVCL will be removed so compilation will be OK without external libraries.

Posted by philnext 2011-12-08

New version

Add command line function.
Syntax :
axbase -s=<database name> [-q="<query>"]

Posted by philnext 2011-10-07