
Session time limit

  • Garvin Hicking

    Garvin Hicking - 2005-10-25


    The documentation says that visits are counted as
    subsequent hits from an IP within the timeframe of about 60 Minutes.

    I want to adjust this timeframe to 30 minutes, because I have a frequented website where people come by my webpage more than once an hour, and this should
    count as two visits instead of one. I know there is no config option for this, but I am willing to patch the code.

    Would you be so nice to just give me a pointer in the code where this timeframe is applied?

    Thanks a lot and best regards,

    • Sean Carlos

      Sean Carlos - 2005-10-25

      The main program is There is a parameter defined, "$VISITTIMEOUT=10000; # Lapse of time to consider a page load as a new visit. 10000 = 1 hour (Default = 10000)". I have it from the author that it is not currently possible to change this without making other supporting changes. Thus, you can use this as a starting point, but the solution will be more involved than just changing the value.

      Sean Carlos

      • Garvin Hicking

        Garvin Hicking - 2005-10-26

        Hi Sean!

        Thanks a lot, that already helps me further a lot. I will dig into this and if I get it modified, I'll post here for feedback. :-)

        Best regards,

        • Sean Carlos

          Sean Carlos - 2005-10-26

          I hope you make progress! Keep in mind that the "Industry Standard" timeout is usually 30 min (see


          • devu

            devu - 2006-10-05

            I have the same problem, I'd like to set the session length to the standard 30 minutes used by other stats programs.
            Any news on the $VISITTIMEOUT thing?

            • R1_

              R1_ - 2006-10-05


              I've to patch for my own use,

              $VISITTIMEOUT=3000; Will set up for 30 min


    • Chad Horton

      Chad Horton - 2005-12-13


      I would appreciate it if you would share your findings and the changes you had to make to get your custom VISITTIMEOUT to work.

      I myself have to change this (believe it or not, I have to change it to 25920000000 (30 days)

      My customer needs to only track visits as one visit per month instead of the default standard of 30 minutes.

      • Garvin Hicking

        Garvin Hicking - 2005-12-13

        I tried patching the place thean seanca pointed out, but actually it didn't help.

        I am no PERL programmer (only PHP) and didn't yet read through all the code, which isn't that easy to read and at places quite obfuscated.

        So the bottom line - I couldn't get it to work. Modifying the variable made no apparent change to the visit count. If you find out something more, please share it on the forums! :)


        • fastfast2

          fastfast2 - 2015-04-07

          If you are making test, just delete current database file for this user. Otherwise database info will not be updated and changes in config will not take efect.



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