
Problem with OnlyFiles

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-12-05

    I'm having problem with the OnlyFiles directive when analyzing IIS logs. If I
    assign ANY value to it (such as OnlyFiles="Default.htm") I get no results
    (100% or dropped records). I delete the stat file before running the update
    command and there is only 1 OnlyFiles in the config file. Any idea what am I
    doing wrong ?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-12-27

    I’m experiencing similar issue with UserAgents. It looks like something is
    broken in OptimizeArray function.
    Try to comment out this line in and see if it helps:
    @OnlyFiles = &OptimizeArray( \@OnlyFiles, $URLNotCaseSensitive );

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-07-04

    I also have problems with OnlyFiles, awstats version = 7.0.
    In my config I have OnlyFiles="REGEX", but all entries are dropped.
    One example:

    Dropped record (URL /wicked/index.php not qualified by OnlyFiles): 2012-07-04 08:15:13 GET /wicked/index.php title=Wicked_Guided_Tour - HTTP/1.1 Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+rv:13.0)+Gecko/20100101+Firefox/13.0.1 [url][/url] 304 336
  • vloris57

    vloris57 - 2012-07-05


    I have similars problems.
    I try to play with SkipHosts and SkipUserAgents and it doesn't work at all.

    Options like SkipUserAgents="REGEX" or SkipHosts="" don't filter

    And best of all, I have different results if I use Active Perl or Perl
    furnished with Oracle :

    What is the problem ,

  • can50

    can50 - 2012-08-22

    I had the same problem.

    I comment out the line
    @OnlyFiles = &OptimizeArray( \@OnlyFiles, $URLNotCaseSensitive );
    in the file and it works now.

    Is there an other solution ? I don't like to change the source code of a

    Awstats 7.0
    Windows Server 2008 R2DataCenter
    IIS 7.5

  • Cedric

    Cedric - 2012-09-26

    I think I have the same problem.
    I try to skip lines in apache log file. So I use the OnlyFiles="" parameter.
    It works with a very small log file (that I use to try) but not for the real
    log file !
    I understand nothing.

    Sorry for my english, I'm french...


  • Cedric

    Cedric - 2012-09-26

    I comment @OnlyFiles = &OptimizeArray( \@OnlyFiles, $URLNotCaseSensitive );
    and It works for me to

  • Cedric

    Cedric - 2012-09-26

    It's the same thing with parameter Skipfiles="".
    It works only if I comment @SkipFiles = &OptimizeArray( \@SkipFiles,
    $URLNotCaseSensitive );

  • Adam

    Adam - 2013-05-08

    Was/Is this fixed in 7.1.1? I've hit this bug in 7.1 shiphosts, onlyfiles etc none of them worked unless commenting out the OptimizeArray lines.

    • Albrecht Mueller

      I think it is fixed. See awstats_changelog.txt ("Fix problems with Perl 5.14"). If you are interested in background information, I have explained the results of my analysis in AWStats and Perl 5.14


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